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The Tree Urinal – The Next Generation Porta Potty

The Tree Urinal – The Next Generation Porta Potty

Have you ever been at a concert or sporting event and had to pee really, really bad? I drink a lot of water, and this is pretty much the story of my ...

A Practical Guide For Managing Time

People have always asked us here at Bit Rebels how we can do so many things and yet still be able to write our articles. Managing one's time is imp ...
Sony Unveils Genius Roll-Up OLED Screen Of The Future!

Sony Unveils Genius Roll-Up OLED Screen Of The Future!

There is a race going on between the manufacturers of TVs and displays. The one to first deliver something unique and inspirational for us all to loo ...
This Is The Geekiest Thing You’ll Read All Day

This Is The Geekiest Thing You’ll Read All Day

Warning: If you don't have a pocket protector with at least 12 pencils, don't even attempt to read this article. This is proof that there is a secre ...
USB Flash Memory Cufflinks For The Lavish Geek

USB Flash Memory Cufflinks For The Lavish Geek

Again I just have to touch on the subject of USB memory sticks and their potential unbeatable use. As you all know, I have been reviewing quite a lot ...

Industrial Velcro Will Bring New Uses To Your iPad

Many things will never become as versatile as the iPad. It's just a bundle of awesomeness that is only limited by the number of apps you put on it. ...
New eReader Gadget Draws Inspiration From Ancient Scrolls

New eReader Gadget Draws Inspiration From Ancient Scrolls

We're getting more and more used to reading books, guides and tutorials on a gadget instead of a regular book or a penfold. It's like we're now chang ...
Shellac: The First Hybrid Nail Color

Shellac: The First Hybrid Nail Color

One way to pamper yourself is to get a manicure and a pedicure. It not only makes you feel good, but it's also a great way to look nice and neat. So ...
The Most Advanced Business Card In The World

The Most Advanced Business Card In The World

Business cards have always been a hot topic to write about, and there's always a lot of inspiration involved. To create a truly unique and impressive ...
New Fashion Trend – High Heels For Men (For Real!)

New Fashion Trend – High Heels For Men (For Real!)

According to reports in Jezebel, the Times Online and many other news, entertainment and fashion sources in the past few days, there is a new fashion ...
Spatial Hand Gesture Water Faucet – Pure Awesomeness

Spatial Hand Gesture Water Faucet – Pure Awesomeness

When everything is based around the touching of things these days, it's not hard to predict what will come in terms of home appliances. So many thing ...
This Teenager Set A World Record In Her Pink Boat

This Teenager Set A World Record In Her Pink Boat

What were you doing when you were 16 years old? I was working at Wendy's, talking to my girlfriends about boys, and experimenting with blue eyeshadow ...
How To: Make Your Lips Kissable

How To: Make Your Lips Kissable

Going on a date is nerve racking, especially if it's your first date with someone you have had your eye on for sometime. Of course, you want to look ...
Star Wars Lego Chess Board: The Climax Of Genius!

Star Wars Lego Chess Board: The Climax Of Genius!

I am such a huge sucker for Lego and everything about it. I don't really know why. Maybe it's the child in me that is constantly making itself known ...
How To: Get Rid Of A Hickey

How To: Get Rid Of A Hickey

Some people like to engage in a kind of a shady activity which leaves large red blemishes on your neck and throat, also called hickeys. Why this kind ...
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