Search query: marketing

What We Can All Learn From Buffer About Customer Service

What We Can All Learn From Buffer About Customer Service

The social tool, Buffer, is truly amazing at helping people with social media time management by sharing and scheduling content, which allows them to ...
The Year Of Video Content: 2012 Top 100 Brands In Social Video

The Year Of Video Content: 2012 Top 100 Brands In Social Video

Even though we're not at the end of 2012 yet, the year-end lists are starting to trickle out. This is the second one I've seen, and it's a good one. V ...
How To: Use Spotify To Market Your Brand

How To: Use Spotify To Market Your Brand

If you love music, you have probably heard of Spotify by now. Spotify is an app you can use on your smartphone or computer to listen to as much music ...
Comic Books vs. Films: Should Fans React To The Inaccuracy?

Comic Books vs. Films: Should Fans React To The Inaccuracy?

The summer of superhero epics has ended. The Avengers have assembled. Spider-Man was amazing. The Dark Knight Rose. Next summer will introduce familia ...
Getting Noticed: 6 Ways To Gain Social Media Attention [Infographic]

Getting Noticed: 6 Ways To Gain Social Media Attention [Infographic]

I keep coming back to this topic over and over again. I think it is because I feel it's such an important aspect of social media and networking in gen ...
Finally It Has Arrived: The iboost Business In A Box

Finally It Has Arrived: The iboost Business In A Box

If you are a rookie entrepreneur, you are going to love this. With this solution, iboost takes care of all the details for your new business so you ca ...
Dollar Value Of Social Media Shares & How It’s Changed [Infographic]

Dollar Value Of Social Media Shares & How It’s Changed [Infographic]

We all know social media is constantly changing and evolving, and one of the most interesting aspects of all that is how it affects the other things t ...
5 Ways To Get The Attention Of Attendees At Trade Shows

5 Ways To Get The Attention Of Attendees At Trade Shows

There is a lot of preparation that happens for exhibiting at trade shows, conferences and events. One piece of preparation that will give you a high R ...
Find Out How McDonald’s French Fries Are Made [Video]

Find Out How McDonald’s French Fries Are Made [Video]

There's no question that McDonald's french fries are America's favorite. I have yet to eat french fries that are better than those. They are a classic ...
The Power Of A Twitter Hashtag [Infographic]

The Power Of A Twitter Hashtag [Infographic]

Twitter is a social networking platform that I think many people at some point fall away from only to come back to it with a pair of fresh eyes. It's ...
IFTTT: A Solution For Flawlessly Connecting All Our Social Networks

IFTTT: A Solution For Flawlessly Connecting All Our Social Networks

Advancements in technology have revolutionized society in too may ways to count in the last decade. From smartphones to social media, everything has b ...
Google AdWords Credit Card: A Gimmick For SEO Entrapment?

Google AdWords Credit Card: A Gimmick For SEO Entrapment?

On TechCrunch this past weekend, Google announced they are launching a Google Adwords Credit Card to companies in the UK. They will gradually expand i ...
Simple Guide To Selling Your Small Business [Infographic]

Simple Guide To Selling Your Small Business [Infographic]

We write a lot here on Bit Rebels about the dedication, commitment and drive it takes to build a business, but one thing I don't think we've touched o ...
How To Fix Negative Reviews & Your Online Reputation [Infographic]

How To Fix Negative Reviews & Your Online Reputation [Infographic]

Online reputation management is a hot topic these days. If you have a small business, you know that perception is reality, and having a good online re ...
Poor Little Birdy: Instagram Beat Twitter In Mobile Users

Poor Little Birdy: Instagram Beat Twitter In Mobile Users

According to a recent post on All Things Digital, the number of Instagram mobile users has surpassed Twitter by almost a half million. With the acquis ...
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