Search query: sleep

6 Clever Strategies To Sleep At Work [Infographic]

6 Clever Strategies To Sleep At Work [Infographic]

There comes a time in every employee's life when they just want to facepalm into the desk in front of them and sleep for a couple hours. It's an appea ...
8 Unusual Little Tips & Tricks To Help You Fall Asleep

8 Unusual Little Tips & Tricks To Help You Fall Asleep

Do you need some tricks to help you fall asleep? If you are like me, you have a love/hate relationship with sleep. My internal clock is all messed up, ...
Plush Zombie Animals Will Keep Haunting You In Your Sleep

Plush Zombie Animals Will Keep Haunting You In Your Sleep

It seems humanity can't get over the fact that a zombie apocalypse is highly improbable. The way we are used to seeing zombies in movies and comics ju ...
Sleep Basics & How They Affect You [Infographic]

Sleep Basics & How They Affect You [Infographic]

When you are tired, you usually try to get a few minutes of sleep, right? Some people are like clockwork and they sleep at the same time every day, wh ...
Looking Sharp While Sleeping Is Pimp Easy With The Suitjamas

Looking Sharp While Sleeping Is Pimp Easy With The Suitjamas

If you are someone who is continuously looking for ways to look sharp while you are asleep, you know there aren't too many things to choose from, righ ...
Blandito: Sleep All Rolled Up In A Big Burrito

Blandito: Sleep All Rolled Up In A Big Burrito

We've featured some pretty wild and crazy sleeping bags over the years, but this is the first one I've seen that I really want. It's not even a sleepi ...
Sleeping Positions Say More About You Than You Know [Infographic]

Sleeping Positions Say More About You Than You Know [Infographic]

If you sleep well through the night, you may have found the ultimate sleeping position. Some people don't, and they start trying to find out just why ...
Face Bra: The Busty Sleeping Mask Sure To Initiate Good Dreams

Face Bra: The Busty Sleeping Mask Sure To Initiate Good Dreams

We've featured a lot of creative advertising and promotional campaigns on Bit Rebels for your inspiration over the years, and the one I have to share ...
Bubble Hotel Lets You Sleep Under The Sky In A Plastic Ball

Bubble Hotel Lets You Sleep Under The Sky In A Plastic Ball

To continue on our "imaginary world" theme today, I decided to take a look at some rather inspiring ways to spend your vacation or weekends. We usuall ...
Jedi Mind Tricks For Moms: 7 Ways To Put Your Baby To Sleep

Jedi Mind Tricks For Moms: 7 Ways To Put Your Baby To Sleep

I only have one child, and he's 11-years-old, so I haven't been a new mom for many years. I remember though what it was like to try to put him to slee ...
Gaming For A Good Cause: Geeks Without Sleep

Gaming For A Good Cause: Geeks Without Sleep

This post is going to be a touch different from my usual fare - if indeed I even have anything akin to 'usual' here on Bit Rebels. Rather than speakin ...
Sleep Or Die: How Little Or No Sleep Will Affect You [Infographic]

Sleep Or Die: How Little Or No Sleep Will Affect You [Infographic]

Dedicated entrepreneurs sometimes keep working towards their goals even though their bodies tell them to quit and go to bed. It is called nothing othe ...
The Facebook Bed: If You Struggle Trading Networking For Sleep

The Facebook Bed: If You Struggle Trading Networking For Sleep

Are you one of those people who has trouble putting down Facebook in the evenings? Are you constantly trying to get just one more message in there to ...
Pillow Talk: Let’s You Sleep Talk With Your Friends

Pillow Talk: Let’s You Sleep Talk With Your Friends

Are you one of those people that when the alarm starts buzzing in the morning, you feel like throwing it into the wall so it will never wake you up ag ...
The Inflatable Pillow Tie: Sneak Sleep On The Job

The Inflatable Pillow Tie: Sneak Sleep On The Job

Sometimes waking up early in the morning can be anything but pleasant. There are a million things you can do though to make a day a pretty good one. H ...
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