Search query: sleep

Disturbing Hello Kitty Images For Your Dark Side

Disturbing Hello Kitty Images For Your Dark Side

I don't really know why I wrote this post because now I'm all freaked out and I'm going to have to watch a sappy happy movie tonight before I go to sl ...
A Twitterholic’s First 3 Days on Facebook – Lessons Learned

A Twitterholic’s First 3 Days on Facebook – Lessons Learned

I consider myself to be a Twitterholic. Except for on holidays when I'm not working, I'm on Twitter every single day for hours. If I'm on my compute ...
The Boardroom Table Made From Over 22,000 Legos!

The Boardroom Table Made From Over 22,000 Legos!

I sit in a lot of meetings. I’m in a boardroom somewhere in Atlanta at least a few times each week. Boardroom tables are typically so boring. Just t ...
The Ultimate Gadget for Travelers

The Ultimate Gadget for Travelers

Something about being at the airport makes people fall asleep. Have you noticed that? It can be the middle of the day with the sun shining bright, b ...
10 Reasons Not To Block Someone On Twitter

10 Reasons Not To Block Someone On Twitter

One of the most ingenious aspects of Twitter is that if someone is annoying you or being rude, you can simply unfollow them or even block them. I hav ...
NES Wall Pointer | The Hanger To Keep You Reminded

NES Wall Pointer | The Hanger To Keep You Reminded

Sometimes a day ends up being one big blur when you spend a lot of time on Twitter or any other Social Networking site. Your eyes get sore and you tr ...
Twitter App | Peek Into the Bedroom of Your Favorite Tweeple

Twitter App | Peek Into the Bedroom of Your Favorite Tweeple

This article is about a goofy little Twitter app that was recently released and introduced to me by @CTK1 and @mayhemstudios. It’s so addictive and f ...
My Top 10 Guilty Pleasures | What Are Yours?

My Top 10 Guilty Pleasures | What Are Yours?

As I secretly indulged in some of my favorite things this morning, I started thinking about guilty pleasures. The urban dictionary says guilty pleasur ...
Pod Living | All The Space You Will Ever…Crave!

Pod Living | All The Space You Will Ever…Crave!

Housing is one of the biggest concerns nowadays for young people when they move away from home for the first time. Prices on houses and apartments ar ...
10 Unusual Clocks | Inspiration

10 Unusual Clocks | Inspiration

When you want to know the time, you look at the clock. Yes we still do that now, but clocks have also evolved into art pieces. They have become one ...
Hypnotizing Clock | Spiral Time Teller

Hypnotizing Clock | Spiral Time Teller

It's the one thing we all live by and it is never the same as last time you looked at it. Of course I mean the clock and how it lets us tell when it's ...

Making Tea In An Augmented Reality World

We read about it all the time, augmented reality (AR) articles seem to be everywhere. Everyone wants a glimpse into the future, and it seems we are l ...
Mercedes Future 2040 Model | No Rolling Wheels?

Mercedes Future 2040 Model | No Rolling Wheels?

I have been working furiously to finish things up here at the office and after a couple of days of constant coding and file moving, I decided to take ...
Now You Can Tweet Under Water

Now You Can Tweet Under Water

Twitter has really two kinds of users. Those who tweet and those who tweet a lot. Commonly known as twitterholics these people go out of their way to ...
Will We See Gadgets Like These in The Future?

Will We See Gadgets Like These in The Future?

We are so lucky to be experiencing technology today.  There are all kinds of new gadgets being designed to make life easier, comfortable and truly enj ...
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