Search query: smartphone

3D Replica Of Google Glasses Now Available For Home Printing

3D Replica Of Google Glasses Now Available For Home Printing

The consumer's version of the Google Glass glasses is expected to be released at the end of 2013, and it is said to cost around $1,500. It's a price t ...
E-Ink Paper Notepad From Sony Ready For Release This Year

E-Ink Paper Notepad From Sony Ready For Release This Year

In a technology climate where seemingly everyone is trying to produce a flexible smartphone or watch, Sony has spent a lot of time on what they believ ...
New Tech Combines Biometric Data & Visual Cues To Pinpoint Emotions

New Tech Combines Biometric Data & Visual Cues To Pinpoint Emotions

Lifelogging has gotten popular over the past few years, and although I've never seen people walking around with a lifelogging camera attached their sh ...
Spark Core Chip Will Enable WiFi Connectivity In Anything

Spark Core Chip Will Enable WiFi Connectivity In Anything

The WiFiication of everything has finally started. As you might have experienced in the last couple of years, things are becoming more and more intera ...
Now You Can Message Scents With The iPhone Scent Spray Accessory

Now You Can Message Scents With The iPhone Scent Spray Accessory

If you think about it, is there any accessory that you feel is missing for a smartphone? I'm of course referring to real accessories. There are a land ...
Smart Cycling Helmet With Wireless Capability Monitors Heart Rate

Smart Cycling Helmet With Wireless Capability Monitors Heart Rate

Technology seems to be embedded into everything these days, and now with the introduction of this helmet, that even includes what we put on our heads ...
A Simple Hack To Make 20-Second Vine Videos

A Simple Hack To Make 20-Second Vine Videos

If you don't know what Vine is yet, I'll give you the quick background. Vine is a mini-video-taking app that Twitter acquired last October and launche ...
GoStacked: Modular Case For iPhone Brings Unlimited Feature Additions

GoStacked: Modular Case For iPhone Brings Unlimited Feature Additions

Another iPhone case? Yes, but this time I have the opportunity to say, "finally!" Why? Because this one is far different from all the other ordinary a ...
Responsive Website Design: Everything You Need To Know [10 Infographics]

Responsive Website Design: Everything You Need To Know [10 Infographics]

Some people are saying that 2013 is the year of Responsive Website Design. For some people in the design industry and clients with tight budgets, Resp ...
Lunatik Taktik: The Kickass Throw-Around Safety iPhone 5 Case

Lunatik Taktik: The Kickass Throw-Around Safety iPhone 5 Case

We are many times presented with iPhone cases (or any smartphone cases for that matter) that claim they are the best you can ever get. I must admit th ...
Virtual User Interface Design Creates Smarter Physical Objects

Virtual User Interface Design Creates Smarter Physical Objects

The problem with virtual user interfaces is that they are usually way more complex than the user interface design that we see in many of our real life ...
Schools Turn Kids Into Geeks With Classroom Technologies [Infographic]

Schools Turn Kids Into Geeks With Classroom Technologies [Infographic]

I find the topic of technologies in our schools quite fascinating. I don't think anyone can deny the fact that the world is revolving more and more ar ...
Pedal Power Energy From A Bicycle Used To Churn Ice Cream

Pedal Power Energy From A Bicycle Used To Churn Ice Cream

Alternative ways to create energy are always welcomed, and lately it seems like the bicycle is getting a lot of attention. I've read several articles ...
Interactive Light Book Prototype Presented By Disney

Interactive Light Book Prototype Presented By Disney

The use of augmented reality has become a huge factor when innovators and developers try to create new and groundbreaking interactive features. It doe ...
Weird Energy Sources That Could Make Free Energy [Infographic]

Weird Energy Sources That Could Make Free Energy [Infographic]

Usually when I write about "free energy" devices, I get a storm of comments saying there is no such thing as free energy. I agree that there is probab ...
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