Search query: sports

Then & Now: Kids In 1982 vs. Kids In 2012 [Infographic]

Then & Now: Kids In 1982 vs. Kids In 2012 [Infographic]

Yesterday I wrote about a retro Atari commercial that's at least 30 years old (Atari turns 40 this year). I watched that and laughed at how different ...
R2-D2 Novelty Phone Puts More Retro In Your Life

R2-D2 Novelty Phone Puts More Retro In Your Life

How do you put more retro in your life? Maybe you go for things that remind you of your youth like something you used to love as a teenager but that d ...
Infect Your Home With Flesh Eating Monster Zombie Gnomes

Infect Your Home With Flesh Eating Monster Zombie Gnomes

As a self-proclaimed geek, one of my favorite things to collect are gnomes. Gnomes have slowly started to take over my room and inch their way downsta ...
The Ultimate Chocolate Toolkit: Screwdrivers, Wrenches & More

The Ultimate Chocolate Toolkit: Screwdrivers, Wrenches & More

Since I do a lot of small home repairs myself, I'm really into creative tools. The regular tools you see at the hardware store are way to boring for m ...
20 Reasons To Switch To Google+ [Infographic]

20 Reasons To Switch To Google+ [Infographic]

I must say that I have gotten more and more into Google+. Little by little I am finding my way around the interface and approach. However, for some re ...
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Beards [Beardographic]

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Beards [Beardographic]

Until a few years ago, I've always thought guys with beards were like an enigma, a mystery wrapped in a riddle. Now I have a very close friend who spo ...
16-Bit Legend Of Zelda Link Computer Case Mod

16-Bit Legend Of Zelda Link Computer Case Mod

We've shown you a lot of computer case mods over the years, but this one is special. It's one I would truly love to have. It's a 16-bit PC case inspir ...
iSteady Shot M27: iPhone Case That Gives You Wide Angled Photos

iSteady Shot M27: iPhone Case That Gives You Wide Angled Photos

The iPhone has rapidly become the most popular camera device on the Internet, and each day there are millions and millions of photographs uploaded. Th ...
Foursquare: Think Twice Before Cross Posting Every Check-In

Foursquare: Think Twice Before Cross Posting Every Check-In

I'm a big fan of Foursquare, the location-based social media site that allows you to "check-in" to various locations from your smartphone, and have be ...
Twitter Mentions Are The New You’ve Got Mail & Celebrity Autograph

Twitter Mentions Are The New You’ve Got Mail & Celebrity Autograph

Yes, I sleep with my phone and check my @ mentions anytime I’m mildly awake in the middle of the night. Don’t judge or act like you don’t either. Twit ...
Automated Storytelling: Cavemen Are Rolling In Their Graves

Automated Storytelling: Cavemen Are Rolling In Their Graves

Everyone loves a good story, right? I can't count how many times I've "zoned out" during a presentation of some flavor, and my ears perked up right af ...
Chicken Wing Cupcakes: A Food Design For Football Games

Chicken Wing Cupcakes: A Food Design For Football Games

If you live in the States, you know that the biggest football of the year is coming up, and I can't wait! Go New York Giants! Don't call me, email me, ...
2014 World Cup Will Test Robocop Facial Recognition Technology

2014 World Cup Will Test Robocop Facial Recognition Technology

Coming To A Police Precinct Near You ... Brazilian police officers will use "Robocop-like" glasses at the 2014 World Cup in Brasil. The "Robocop-li ...
Personal Flight: First Jet Pack Now Available For $250,000

Personal Flight: First Jet Pack Now Available For $250,000

Man has always looked beyond the horizon for new challenges, and once we manage to conquer them, we continuously find new frontiers to master. As ever ...
The Secret Thoughts Of Cats & Dogs [4 Videos]

The Secret Thoughts Of Cats & Dogs [4 Videos]

When I was a kid, we had a crap load of animals in my house. We had cats, dogs, birds, turtles... well, you name it and we probably had it at some poi ...
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