Search query: travel

World’s Largest Piece Of Sushi On A Restaurant Menu

World’s Largest Piece Of Sushi On A Restaurant Menu

I love sushi. I could eat it everyday. It's right up there with chicken wings in my book, which are pretty high on my list. How would you like to go i ...
Taste Your Words: The Hydraulic Drink Mixing Typewriter

Taste Your Words: The Hydraulic Drink Mixing Typewriter

Now this is a drink making machine that would make William Shakespeare proud... nah, how about Charles Dickens or Mark Twain... no, still not right, h ...
Drainage Tube Hotel: Next Generation Recycled Living

Drainage Tube Hotel: Next Generation Recycled Living

The space we occupy in this physical world is getting ever smaller while the space we take up virtually is getting ever larger. It's quite interesting ...
Time Warp Photography: Yoda Was A War Hero In The 1930s

Time Warp Photography: Yoda Was A War Hero In The 1930s

Just the other day, Richard wrote an article called Star Wars Characters From 1921. It was a bizarrely interesting combination of steampunk and old-ti ...
How To: Beat Airport Baggage Limits & Fees

How To: Beat Airport Baggage Limits & Fees

We all know that in the past few years, airlines have really cracked down on baggage restrictions. Not only have they gotten super strict about what t ...
Lobster In Ice Cream: Disgusting Or Delicious

Lobster In Ice Cream: Disgusting Or Delicious

We write about a lot of things on Bit Rebels that fall into the WTF category of creations. They are usually things that you just have to stare at in d ...
A Futuristic Digital Library Created With Colorful LED Books

A Futuristic Digital Library Created With Colorful LED Books

Now that I read about this more, I'm not sure if looks like a futuristic library or a library museum. One thing is for sure though, with all the creat ...
The Future According To Science Fiction Films [Infographic]

The Future According To Science Fiction Films [Infographic]

Forget all the hype about preparing for zombies; apparently we need to be more concerned about our future based on science fiction movies (and a few t ...
The World’s Only Female 10th Degree Black Belt (She’s 98)

The World’s Only Female 10th Degree Black Belt (She’s 98)

I love celebrating the life victories of strong and successful women. I especially like to do this when they break a belief barrier. When that happens ...
The Japanese Sleeping Capsule For Nighttime Workaholics

The Japanese Sleeping Capsule For Nighttime Workaholics

Do you ever work late at your office? I do all the time. Misty and I have joked many times that we've woken up in the middle of the night with keyboar ...
You’ll Never Guess What We’ll Give Up For Our Smartphones!

You’ll Never Guess What We’ll Give Up For Our Smartphones!

Wow, this is a sensitive subject, isn't it? Nobody wants to admit they would pick their smartphone over some of life's sweetest pleasures if they had ...
Insane Living: A Whole Room In A Compact Box

Insane Living: A Whole Room In A Compact Box

The world is getting ever smaller they say. As a little kid, I never used to quite understand what the adults who said that were talking about, but as ...
Twitter’s 30 Most Eligible Bachelors

Twitter’s 30 Most Eligible Bachelors

We always hear about couples meeting on Facebook. Apparently Facebook is a very handy dating tool, and it seems like every week I read about how that ...
Comic-Con Circa 1988: Take A Walk Back In Time

Comic-Con Circa 1988: Take A Walk Back In Time

I've had a blast watching all the tweets about Comic-Con this week. If you go Twitter Search and put in #ComicCon, you'll see a never-ending stream of ...
Marbelous: The Most Fun And Creative Dinner Table Yet

Marbelous: The Most Fun And Creative Dinner Table Yet

During the chaos last week when I had to work from a crummy laptop, I had a lot of time since my dongle Internet connection was best at night and earl ...
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