Search query: watch

Fallen Disney Princesses: It’s Not Always Happily Ever After

Fallen Disney Princesses: It’s Not Always Happily Ever After

This photography is dark, eerie and even a little scary. When you first glance at it, it gives you a little shock, kind of like throwing a glass of co ...
Icans: Character Icons Redesigned Be He Can (Eat It SOPA)

Icans: Character Icons Redesigned Be He Can (Eat It SOPA)

You can kinda tell when you look at these redesigned pop culture icons that artist Alex Pardee was inspired by his years of watching horror movies and ...
Lookout Labs Introduces Mobile Threat Tracker

Lookout Labs Introduces Mobile Threat Tracker

Mobile operating systems have become a playground for hackers looking to steal personal information. Until now, it's been difficult for ordinary smart ...
History For Music Lovers: The Best Way To Study For Your Next Test

History For Music Lovers: The Best Way To Study For Your Next Test

Do you remember your most awesome teacher? The one who dressed up in costume, entered the room with an electric guitar and some grooving vocals, and p ...
Finally! A Decent Time-Lapse Video Of A Bike Decomposing

Finally! A Decent Time-Lapse Video Of A Bike Decomposing

Let me paint a picture for you. What do you think would happen in this situation? You have a beautiful bike with all the trimmings (bells, basket, lig ...
The All Ears Women’s iPhone 4S Case Is Pure Stealth

The All Ears Women’s iPhone 4S Case Is Pure Stealth

If you have been reading Bit Rebels for a while, you know that I write about iPhone cases quite often. It's because we think accessories help people m ...
Beavis & Butthead IRL: Realistic Sculptures (Complete With Zits)

Beavis & Butthead IRL: Realistic Sculptures (Complete With Zits)

This is definitely the WTF of the day. I never got into Beavis and Butthead. I just don't think I've ever drunk enough alcohol to fully appreciate the ...
Epic Transformers Lego Stop Motion Battle Video

Epic Transformers Lego Stop Motion Battle Video

I don't know if I have already mentioned this in one of my other articles here on Bit Rebels, but I recently saw Transformers: Dark of The Moon, and I ...
Geek Fantasy Fandoms On Pinterest

Geek Fantasy Fandoms On Pinterest

Sometimes it's easy to assume that sites like Pinterest are targeted for fashion obsessed teenage girls. Sometimes I must admit, this is true. That's ...
I’m A Lumberjack: A Pillow That’s Really Ok

I’m A Lumberjack: A Pillow That’s Really Ok

You know you’re ok. Your friends know you’re ok. But does the world know? Shout it to the world, baby. You’re a lumberjack and you’re ok, whether or n ...
3D Printed Eco-Friendly Houses: The Future Is Now

3D Printed Eco-Friendly Houses: The Future Is Now

This is going to blow your mind. Are you ready? Did you know that digital 3D printing of eco-friendly houses is a reality now? In other words, it's no ...
Intense Super Mario Papercraft Stop Motion [Video]

Intense Super Mario Papercraft Stop Motion [Video]

As creative as the Super Mario franchise is, there is always room for improvement, right? We see a ton of these 2D and 3D platform games, and they are ...
Pulp Fiction Chronological Sequence [Flowchart]

Pulp Fiction Chronological Sequence [Flowchart]

If you haven't seen the movie Pulp Fiction, you have certainly missed out on a huge part of movie history. It's one of the, if not THE, best film from ...
The Fotoshop Beauty Regimen: No Self-Respect Needed

The Fotoshop Beauty Regimen: No Self-Respect Needed

Everyone knows that Photoshop distorts reality, but to what extent? We are so used to seeing Photoshopped images everywhere we look these days that do ...
Beautiful Betty & Wilma Cosplay: Flashback To The Flintstones

Beautiful Betty & Wilma Cosplay: Flashback To The Flintstones

We've featured so much over-the-top, fabulous cosplay (for people and animals) over the past year here on Bit Rebels that now when I see it; it has to ...
1 133 134 135 136 137 192 2025 / 2877 POSTS