Search query: web design

6 Star Wars Pumpkin Carvings With Detail Insanity!

6 Star Wars Pumpkin Carvings With Detail Insanity!

Recently we announced the winners of the our awesome Halloween giveaway and among the prizes was one heck of a Star Wars pumpkin carving. That particu ...
Create Your Own Googly-Eyed Zombie Pumpkins

Create Your Own Googly-Eyed Zombie Pumpkins

Here in the States, many people leave pumpkins on their porch for decorations in October and November. Some people carve them, and some people don't. ...
5 Effective Social Media Strategies [Infographic]

5 Effective Social Media Strategies [Infographic]

In order to be successful in social media, there are a slew of things that you can do and think about when you first start out. The list can be long, ...
Gallery1988: Weird Pop Culture Art Of ’80s Celebrities [8 Pics]

Gallery1988: Weird Pop Culture Art Of ’80s Celebrities [8 Pics]

Technology progresses at an ever increasing speed, and the stuff that we use today is not exactly the stuff that we used to play around with as kids, ...
Art Created With Germs: The Beauty Of Bacteria

Art Created With Germs: The Beauty Of Bacteria

You are either going to feel dirty and rush to wash your hands after reading this, or you are going to think it's kinda neat. I fall somewhere in the ...
17 Popular And Creative Ways You Can Tie Your Shoes

17 Popular And Creative Ways You Can Tie Your Shoes

With all the talk about sneakers and their different designs, we need something more creative. I think we have featured about 100 different designs by ...
Creative Simple Logos With Double Meanings

Creative Simple Logos With Double Meanings

I never truly appreciated what goes into creating a logo until I became a writer here at Bit Rebels. Richard has written a lot of articles about logos ...
Size Comparison Of Famous Sci-fi Spaceships [Infographics]

Size Comparison Of Famous Sci-fi Spaceships [Infographics]

Everyone knows the ongoing question, does size matter? If you think this is going to be about "that" topic, I am afraid you are checking out the wrong ...
Water Calligraphy Device: Decorate The Streets With Water

Water Calligraphy Device: Decorate The Streets With Water

There is an ancient Chinese custom of writing messages on the streets with water. Although it creates a beautiful and natural decoration, there is a l ...
Tetris Art: A Luigi Pattern Created While Playing Tetris

Tetris Art: A Luigi Pattern Created While Playing Tetris

I remember Tetris in the arcades in the '80s. It was always next to Pac-Man, Galaga, Space Invaders, Arkanoid and the other classics. Tetris was a lit ...
Interview: X-Treme Geek – Where Being A Geek Is Big Business

Interview: X-Treme Geek – Where Being A Geek Is Big Business

Everyone who knows us here at Bit Rebels knows that we love to celebrate geeks, promote geeks and write about everything that has to do with being a g ...
The Bacon Font: A Uniquely Delicious Alphabet

The Bacon Font: A Uniquely Delicious Alphabet

Even after writing at least a dozen articles about bacon, I'm still baffled by our fascination with it. I admit that I am a true bacon lover, and I ca ...
This Geeky Kickass NES Mod Makes Me Hot & Heavy

This Geeky Kickass NES Mod Makes Me Hot & Heavy

Is it weird that I get so excited over a well-done, glossy, geeky NES mod? I hope not. We see a lot of these mods, but rarely are they as nicely done ...
When A Citroén Looks Like This I am Getting One…

When A Citroén Looks Like This I am Getting One…

It's become such a stereotyped thing, but everyone knows boys like cars and girls like shoes. I know, it's pretty lame really that I even have to type ...
10 Crazy Creepy Crocheted Masks

10 Crazy Creepy Crocheted Masks

I remember back in the spring I wrote about a website called Brutal Knitting dedicated to very scary and creepy knitted masks and hats by designer Tra ...
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