Search query: web design

The Ham iPhone: In Case Constant Calling Is Making You Hungry

The Ham iPhone: In Case Constant Calling Is Making You Hungry

I must say that sometimes finding new and cool cases and skins for the iPhone certainly makes me all giddy. Sometimes they are cooler than the iPhone ...
Transformers: Hilarious Real Life Truck Costume

Transformers: Hilarious Real Life Truck Costume

During the Super Bowl we got to see the awesome trailer for the new Transformers movie, which of course spurred a lot of talk on the Internet. It's on ...
The Cassette Tape Chair Makes Your Life Even More Retro

The Cassette Tape Chair Makes Your Life Even More Retro

Trying to count how many times I have wanted to retrofy my life wouldn't even be possible. It happens every day, and I never dare pass up an opportuni ...
WTF: The William & Kate Commemorative Refrigerator

WTF: The William & Kate Commemorative Refrigerator

I don't really get into the royal wedding frenzy each time one of those events is about to happen. However, this time, with Prince William and Kate Mi ...
Social Media Saves The Day With A Terminator Leg

Social Media Saves The Day With A Terminator Leg

We are seeing more and more stories lately about the warmth, compassion and friendships formed in social media. This time it's about a social media si ...
Search Engine Facts: Full Historical Timeline [Infographic]

Search Engine Facts: Full Historical Timeline [Infographic]

One of the most important aspects when starting a website is its SEO strategy, and the way the site is designed and maintained. The less attention tha ...
Movie Quiz: Movie Titles In The Form Of Geek Math

Movie Quiz: Movie Titles In The Form Of Geek Math

Keeping up with all the latest movies and their trailers isn't much of a challenge these days. The Internet has made it possible for us to know instan ...
Keyboard Jacket: For Geeks Who Want To Push Buttons

Keyboard Jacket: For Geeks Who Want To Push Buttons

Every geek knows that pimpin yourself out the geeky way is the only way to go. If you want to be one of the true geeks around the world, you need to p ...
How To: Improve Your SEO With Twitter

How To: Improve Your SEO With Twitter

If you have a website, if you've read about SEO, and if you're on Twitter, you've probably heard tidbits here and there about how social media affects ...
Chocolate Lego Bricks: For Geeks With A Sweet Tooth

Chocolate Lego Bricks: For Geeks With A Sweet Tooth

So by now I'm sure you know how much we love Lego on Bit Rebels. You also probably know that I love chocolate and write about it often. Whether it's a ...
Angry Birds Papercraft: Fold, Feather And Fight

Angry Birds Papercraft: Fold, Feather And Fight

The game phenomenon keeps spreading and more and more people are getting addicted to this game. I am of course talking about Angry Birds, the one game ...
Star Wars Steampunk Figurines: The New Breed

Star Wars Steampunk Figurines: The New Breed

I touched on this very subject once before when I wrote about how Star Wars would have looked back in 1942. The article was widely popular, and Star W ...
The Beautiful Technological Approach To Infographics

The Beautiful Technological Approach To Infographics

Lately here on Bit Rebels we have started to publish some freakishly interesting and beautiful looking infographics that shows us, in a simple and und ...
Visual Inspiration: Psychedelic Exploding Egg Photography

Visual Inspiration: Psychedelic Exploding Egg Photography

After an unseasonably cold winter, I'm happy to report that it is officially spring in Atlanta! Yay! Other than my iPhone getting covered in pollen th ...
Star Wars Puppies: Hand Crafted Awesomeness

Star Wars Puppies: Hand Crafted Awesomeness

Nothing impresses me as much as fan art when it comes to Star Wars. Some of the things created by the fans of this brilliant science fiction adventure ...
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