Search query: website traffic

User Experience Design: Notes From An Inspired Designer

User Experience Design: Notes From An Inspired Designer

Talented designers have always inspired me. They just seem to be able to present information and ideas in ways that would never occur to me. This desi ...
20 Facts About YouTube You Probably Didn’t Know

20 Facts About YouTube You Probably Didn’t Know

Everyone who is reading this, I am sure, has at some point viewed a clip on YouTube and laughed their brains out. The idea behind it was initially as ...
Dodging The Fail Whale: A Downtime Survival Guide

Dodging The Fail Whale: A Downtime Survival Guide

Here at Bit Rebels, we're experiencing quite an increase in traffic each day. With that comes developing the site and handling the optimization to acc ...
10 Common Blogging Questions Answered For You

10 Common Blogging Questions Answered For You

I have my email address at the bottom of each article I write here on Bit Rebels, and I've always encouraged readers to drop me a line if they ever ha ...
Social Media Saves The Day With A Terminator Leg

Social Media Saves The Day With A Terminator Leg

We are seeing more and more stories lately about the warmth, compassion and friendships formed in social media. This time it's about a social media si ...
Twitter vs. Facebook: A Social Media Revenue Comparison

Twitter vs. Facebook: A Social Media Revenue Comparison

This is a very interesting topic to me because there are so many factors that come into play when trying to measure the revenue generated from social ...
5 Fascinating Facts About Twitter’s History

5 Fascinating Facts About Twitter’s History

If you are a regular on Bit Rebels, you've probably noticed that I've written close to 100 articles about Twitter. Twitter is very near and dear to m ...
Funkadelic Facts About Infographics

Funkadelic Facts About Infographics

I read somewhere once that an infographic is worth 1,000 words. It's true. Why are infographics so popular? I'm seeing them everywhere, more and mo ...
Facebook Or Twitter: 2010 Study Breaks It Down [Infographic]

Facebook Or Twitter: 2010 Study Breaks It Down [Infographic]

It's been the holy grail of questions for marketers and business owners for quite some time now.  Since running a company limits time for social netwo ...
Why Do Freeways Come To A Stop? [Infographic]

Why Do Freeways Come To A Stop? [Infographic]

I think I speak for pretty much everyone when I say that sometimes when you're on your way home from work, and you're taking the freeway, you have mor ...
The Increasing Importance Of Optimizing Your Blog’s Images

The Increasing Importance Of Optimizing Your Blog’s Images

Bandwidth consumption is a common problem for large websites attracting a large number of visitors. Whenever you experience a site that used to be fa ...
The Airpiano – A New Instrument Is Born!

The Airpiano – A New Instrument Is Born!

You've done it, admit it. We've all played our air guitars, drums and pianos at one time in our life. To this day, there is nothing that gets me thr ...
Stoplight Stress Reliever – Brilliant New Design

Stoplight Stress Reliever – Brilliant New Design

Since I'm one of those people that usually pushes time to the very last second, and I'm on the borderline of running late for almost everything, I rea ...

iPad Sprocket: The iPad Makes A Great Brake Light

There are many uses for an iPad, some which you may not have thought of. Sure, it has apps for pretty much everything that you can imagine, yet it se ...
Twitter | Rest In Peace, We’ll Miss You

Twitter | Rest In Peace, We’ll Miss You

This article has my name listed as the author, but really, the smart and savvy @CtKscribe is responsible for all this fabulousness. In her own words, ...
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