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An Electronic Goldfish: The Perfect Pet For Workaholics

An Electronic Goldfish: The Perfect Pet For Workaholics

Are you a workaholic? Do you get so focused on your projects that time slips by, and when you finally come up to breathe, many hours have passed? I'm ...
Mind Boggling Insects Created Out Of One Sheet Of Paper

Mind Boggling Insects Created Out Of One Sheet Of Paper

No one really knows how many insects there are on planet earth. The fact that they have located and named about 800,000 of them is no measurement of h ...
Introducing The Pamphlet Paper Thin Disposable Smartphone Concept

Introducing The Pamphlet Paper Thin Disposable Smartphone Concept

Apparently there is a race going on to make the thinnest gadget of all time. In this particular case, I am talking about the smartphone of course. We ...
Advertised Fast Food Compared To The Real Deal

Advertised Fast Food Compared To The Real Deal

I have to admit that I am not too much of a fast food junkie. I'd rather cook my meal myself and enjoy the rich flavors of real unspoiled vegetables a ...
Obama Toast Design: Eat The President For Breakfast

Obama Toast Design: Eat The President For Breakfast

I am thinking of having Obama over for breakfast, but don't worry, the Secret Service will not be requiring background checks or patting us down for t ...
Social Media Sharing & The Value Of Immediacy

Social Media Sharing & The Value Of Immediacy

When it comes to social media, we're always looking for new ways to share what we're doing, and to see what everyone else is doing too. We might say i ...
Behind Photographs: The People Behind The Famous Photos

Behind Photographs: The People Behind The Famous Photos

We have featured quite a few photo series here on Bit Rebels, and seemingly you guys really enjoy that. We think that is great since we love photograp ...
The All Ears Women’s iPhone 4S Case Is Pure Stealth

The All Ears Women’s iPhone 4S Case Is Pure Stealth

If you have been reading Bit Rebels for a while, you know that I write about iPhone cases quite often. It's because we think accessories help people m ...
Inspiring Illustrations Created By Artists With Autism

Inspiring Illustrations Created By Artists With Autism

Before I started reading about Autism in my Twitter stream a few years ago, I had never heard of it before. In America, there has been a 600% increase ...
9 Creative Sandwich Designs That Require Very Little Effort

9 Creative Sandwich Designs That Require Very Little Effort

I recently found a brand new fun website, and I wanted to tell you about it. It's called Low-Commitment Projects. Every Monday morning either Tae Kita ...
Extreme Photography That Borders On The Insane

Extreme Photography That Borders On The Insane

I am a huge admirer of the imagination that some photographers possess. It's like their eye shutter is something completely different than what us ord ...
Chuck Close Portrait Created Using Only Lego

Chuck Close Portrait Created Using Only Lego

So what do you do when you have finally used up all your colored Lego blocks, and you are left with bucket loads of black, gray and white ones (and of ...
The Hobbit: The First Animation Movie Dating Back To 1966

The Hobbit: The First Animation Movie Dating Back To 1966

A couple of weeks ago, the first trailer for the upcoming movie The Hobbit from the already legendary movie director Peter Jackson was released. It ma ...
Sci-Fi Chic: A Colorful Look At Dreamy Futuristic Fashions

Sci-Fi Chic: A Colorful Look At Dreamy Futuristic Fashions

Have you ever wondered what fashion will look like in the future? I'm talking about hundreds of years in the future. Will it be stylish and reflect th ...
When Prada Uses Old Classic Cars To Design High Heels

When Prada Uses Old Classic Cars To Design High Heels

If you are a designer, it doesn't really matter what kind, you know that the places where you can get inspiration are unlimited. The mindset is pretty ...
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