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Phenomenal Paintings On Marshmallows [14 Pics]

Phenomenal Paintings On Marshmallows [14 Pics]

My mother always told me not to play with my food when I was young, which is probably why I'm fascinated with people who play with their food as adult ...
The Importance Of Play During Working Hours [Infographic]

The Importance Of Play During Working Hours [Infographic]

Most companies today have fundamentally missed the fact that engaging their employees in play and things that are fun is key to a healthy and growing ...
Microsoft Releases Star Wars Themed XBox 360 Console

Microsoft Releases Star Wars Themed XBox 360 Console

With Star Wars fans on the rise and the Internet seemingly buzzing with Star Wars fan creations, it was only a matter of time before some of the multi ...
Germaphobes: New Technology Makes Clothes Germ-Free

Germaphobes: New Technology Makes Clothes Germ-Free

Do you carry hand sanitizer around with you and use it like it's your lifesaver? Do you wash your hands at least once each hour? Do you dread touching ...
LinkedIn Interaction Mapped & Presented [Infographic]

LinkedIn Interaction Mapped & Presented [Infographic]

I am one of those people who signs up for everything new so I can look through it, assess it, and then decide whether it is something that I want to s ...
Geolocated Paintings: The World Has Many Faces

Geolocated Paintings: The World Has Many Faces

With technology becoming more and more powerful, we can experience the world getting smaller so to speak. It has been predicted by many scientists ove ...
World’s Highest Blob Jump Will Thrill You To The Bone

World’s Highest Blob Jump Will Thrill You To The Bone

Today you can break a world record in pretty much anything. It's like there is no end to what the Guinness Book Of World Records is willing to include ...
The Ferrari Of Tomorrow Is Beyond Insane

The Ferrari Of Tomorrow Is Beyond Insane

No matter what the economy looks like, there will always be people in the world who apparently have enough money to spend on luxury items that other p ...
Crop Field Portraits Way Better Than The Harry Potter One

Crop Field Portraits Way Better Than The Harry Potter One

About a week ago, I wrote about the Harry Potter crop portrait created by a farmer. It was impressive to say the least, and there must have been a lot ...
Marbelous: The Most Fun And Creative Dinner Table Yet

Marbelous: The Most Fun And Creative Dinner Table Yet

During the chaos last week when I had to work from a crummy laptop, I had a lot of time since my dongle Internet connection was best at night and earl ...
Photography: Intimate Drive-By Pictures Of People & Their Cars

Photography: Intimate Drive-By Pictures Of People & Their Cars

I write about photography a lot. I love it! Lately though, I've really been getting into a specific kind of photography. I don't know what it's called ...
The Web App Development Process Explained In Detail [Infographic]

The Web App Development Process Explained In Detail [Infographic]

The Internet has been a catapult for web applications, and we are starting to see more and more being introduced every day. Some of us depend on these ...
The Real Notebook: Future Laptops Are More Then Flexible

The Real Notebook: Future Laptops Are More Then Flexible

We have seen many different conceptual ideas lately when it comes to cell phones and laptops. They get more and more wacky by the day, and what we rea ...
Watch The Very First Barbie TV Commercial Ever

Watch The Very First Barbie TV Commercial Ever

There is a saying that there is a first time for everything. It's probably the best quote out there because there is no getting around it, and there a ...
Amazing Video Of A Completely Deserted Los Angeles

Amazing Video Of A Completely Deserted Los Angeles

Having lived in Los Angeles for about 2 years, I know how crazy the traffic can get every once in a while. Well, now that I think about it, it's reall ...
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