Tag: Controller

SymGym Adds A Full-Body Exercise Controller To Your Video Games
Gamers have always been looked at as unhealthy and non-social. That has changed a lot in the last few years and with games like Pokémon GO that is lik ...

Transforming LEGO Nintendo 64 & Controller Is A Retro Geek’s Dream
LEGO and Nintendo complement each other well, and there have been many LEGO Nintendo mashups presented over the years. This one is one of the best one ...

I Want This: NES Controller Car Engine Inside A 1989 Honda Civic
If you're a fan of the retro video games from the '80s, you will always remember the NES controller. I still have mine, and every time I look at it, t ...

New Reactive Grip Technology Adds Ultra Realistic Gaming Experience
It seems everyone is trying to do their best to invent the next big thing in computer interaction. I think we have seen enough new technology here on ...
DIY Video Game Controller Couch Pillow That Actually Works
We've featured a lot of homegrown video game controllers over the years, but this is the first time I've ever seen one disguised as a couch pillow. Or ...
Stinky Footboard Gaming Controller Adds A New Gaming Experience
For a long time, game controllers and joysticks were the only input devices we had to interact with our games. Then came the keyboard and mouse. Today ...
Video Game Controller Cufflinks Will Make Your Inner Geek Smile
I love writing about geeky men's cufflinks. There's just something about them that expresses so much personality. Unfortunately, I don't know very man ...
Functional Wooden NES Controller Coffee Table Available For $3,700
There have been quite a few magnificently geeky coffee tables created over the years. We have featured a load of them here on Bit Rebels. They are usu ...
Magnetic Case Snaps A Keyboard & Gamepad Onto Your iPhone 5
It seems everyone is trying to push out a physical keyboard or gamepad for the iPhone these days. Maybe it's because the technology finally permits a ...
Game Boy Mod Turns Game Boy Into Android Game Controller
One of the best things about technology is that sometimes old stuff becomes new again. What I mean is that when it comes to recycling, technology is o ...
LEGO Controller For Nintendo NES That Actually Works
The creativity of LEGO builders has always immensely impressed me. Their ability to create things out of blocks that actually work sometimes borders o ...
GameStick Controller System Could Make TV Gaming Huge In 2013
In the last decade or so, we have seen a huge increase in gaming platforms being launched. Everything from mobile devices to online game shops have be ...
New Game Controller Makes Gaming More Social & Physical
Imagine yourself in front of your computer or your gaming console for a moment. Even though you are playing a game that is considered to be social gam ...
Duo Gamer iPad Accessory Turns Your iPad Into A Console
The fact that we can play games on our iDevices has become somewhat of a selling point for Apple when they launch new iterations of their technologies ...
PhoneJoy Turns Your iPhone Into A Handheld Console
The iPhone becomes more powerful with each update and iteration. It has even become a gaming "console" to be reckoned with, and there are more and mor ...