Tag: Fold

How To: Remove Your Shirt Instantly

How To: Remove Your Shirt Instantly

How is it that we can't get our clothes off quickly enough so we have to invent new ways to speed things up? Well, maybe it has to do with the stress ...
Can’t Afford A Camera? – Here’s How You Build Your Own

Can’t Afford A Camera? – Here’s How You Build Your Own

One of the widest and most common past-times in the world is photography. It is done by probably more people than every other past-time combined, and ...
Check out the new “Stick Keyboard” | Foldable Keyboard

Check out the new “Stick Keyboard” | Foldable Keyboard

Are you tired of bulky keyboards around the desk and also when you travel? Well, join the many millions of people that would truly like to be able to ...
Fold a Record Breaking Paper Airplane | Nu Kool

Fold a Record Breaking Paper Airplane | Nu Kool

I recently saw a clip where a contestant at the Red Bull Paper Airplane competition broke the record of the longest flight which lasted 76 seconds (!) ...
How to Fold a T-Shirt in 2 Seconds

How to Fold a T-Shirt in 2 Seconds

Alright, I think I managed to find the holy grail, the very core of awesomeness. I think I even dare to say that I have uncovered the coolest and best ...
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