Tag: Phone

Lookout Labs Introduces Mobile Threat Tracker
Mobile operating systems have become a playground for hackers looking to steal personal information. Until now, it's been difficult for ordinary smart ...

6 Badass Steampunk Cell Phones Worth Checking Out
I have covered a lot of steampunk builds, and I am not about to stop yet. The gadgets that we have featured here on Bit Rebels are of course all moder ...

Off The Hook: A Shower Head For Talkative People
Staying on that smartphone of yours all day will no doubt make you an addict before long. Maybe you have trouble sleeping, or maybe you just can't put ...

The Nokia Twist: The Flexible Mobile Phone
If you have followed the technology industry updates the last few weeks, you have seen that some companies, or Samsung rather, is going to introduce a ...
Old School Rotary Phone Becomes Today’s Twitter Client
I think many of us are using different Twitter clients than the ones Twitter makes available on their site or through their apps. For those who don't ...
Mobile Phone History: All The Firsts [Infographic]
There is little I can say that hasn't already been said when it comes to the history and timeline of mobile phones. With every day that passes, we get ...
WTF: The Chopped-Off Hand iPhone Case
I love featuring products from Japan because they are always so different than what we have in the States. I mean different in a good way. They never ...
The Complete Android History Timeline [Infographic]
I can't say that I am very knowledgeable when it comes to the Android market or the things around it like the operating system and the application dev ...
An Artistic Look At The iPhone 5
There is no doubt that a lot of people are talking about the iPhone 5 and how it will look, what features it will have, and pretty much the whole sheb ...
How To: Avoid Large Phone Bills When Traveling [Infographic]
We all know that sometimes traveling can become a costly endeavor. If we forget to turn off roaming on our cell phone, we're pretty much screwed. Bill ...
The Evolution Of Smartphones [Infographic]
It's hard to picture a world without smartphones these days. I mean, we've had them for so long now, and I hardly remember when they were not around. ...
iPhone 5: The Most Likely Ideas Bundled Into A Phone
Ever since the first concept ideas arrived on the Internet for the iPhone 4, a huge debate started about whether some of them were actually real. Well ...
Fully Functional Paper Origami Cell Phone Design
It's funny how we go on and on about what tomorrow will hold as far as technology. We try to predict it with infographics or try to make top 100 lists ...
Nokia Timeline: This Is Pure Porn For Nokia Lovers
The day had to come when I had to incorporate "porn" into one of my articles. I have been able to elude the word for 1,401 articles, but this one had ...
22,600 Watt Car Stereo Destroys Phone Book
There are a lot of cool and different kinds of technologies out there that will amaze you, but when it comes to sound, it's a different thing altogeth ...