Tag: rocket

The 7th Grade Science Project That Put Hello Kitty In Space
Hello Kitty is everywhere these days, and now she can add space to her list of travel destinations. This is all thanks to a 7th grader who put Hello K ...

One Small Tweet: Travel To The Moon On Twitter
There have been a lot of Apollo 11 resources popping up all over the web ever since the 43rd anniversary of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin stepping on ...

Whoa! A Saturn V Rocket Created With 120,000 Lego Bricks
When I look at this Lego build, the only word that comes to my mind is WTF. Wait, is WTF a word? I guess it's three words, but that's not the point. T ...

Alternative Propulsion: Coca Cola Rocket Car
In a world where everything seems to be revolving around oil, we're frenetically trying to find an alternative to the gas problem we're facing. It isn ...
22 Reasons To Explore Outer Space
I'm completely fascinated with outer space and the universe we live in. I read today that even though many people have always thought the universe was ...
Audio Gaming: Pew Pew Is Still Packing A Punch
I just love it when someone thinks outside the box for a change. We're already seeing all of these first person shooters packed up on the shelves at ...

How To: Collect Your Farts to Fuel a Cannon
Manley has a dream, a big dream. Now that he's learned how to collect his own farts and store them, he hopes to use them to fuel a homemade cannon. ...

The Cost For A 2.5 Hour Vacation In Space: $200,000
Wow, would you spend $200,000 for 2.5 hours in space? Leave it to Sir Richard Branson and Virgin Galactic to start selling tickets for space travel. ...
Geek Inspiration: Boba Fett Rocket Backpack
Going to school as a child was extra fun because of the new bags we got each year. I remember getting my first back pack, it was Hello Kitty. When b ...
How To: Pull Out A Tooth With A Rocket
Here's somewhat of a really bad idea for a way to pull out a tooth. Believe it or not, this comes from a father who is trying to help his kid by maki ...
Can You Make A Rocket From Bacon? – Find Out Here
I know it sounds like a cliché, but I love bacon. I could eat bacon at every meal. I like my bacon crispy, even burnt. My son likes his bacon squis ...

How To: Launch Your Face Into Space
I love everything to do with NASA and space exploration. I read about it all the time. The pictures that were released a few weeks ago of Mars were ...
Make a Paper Jet Engine!
Ok time for some science! Most of my youth was spent (or miss-spent depending on your perspective) burning or blowing stuff up. It must be a boy thi ...
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