Tag: social media

Twitter vs. Facebook: A Social Media Revenue Comparison

Twitter vs. Facebook: A Social Media Revenue Comparison

This is a very interesting topic to me because there are so many factors that come into play when trying to measure the revenue generated from social ...
Who Uses What: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn… [Infographic]

Who Uses What: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn… [Infographic]

Social media and social networking have such a hype surrounding them that most people probably think that everyone is using at least one service to co ...
Tweets From Japan: Shining Hope Into The Darkness

Tweets From Japan: Shining Hope Into The Darkness

It seems like I've started dozens of articles with this same sentence: I love Twitter. However, each day I find more reasons why Twitter is such a fab ...
The Twitter HTTPS Setting In Plain English

The Twitter HTTPS Setting In Plain English

We've all seen the tweets over the past few days about the new "HTTPS Only" checkbox in our settings menu in Twitter, but a lot of people still don't ...
How To: Be Awesome On Twitter

How To: Be Awesome On Twitter

I've written 1,200 articles here on Bit Rebels, and many of them are about Twitter. It's a topic that never gets old to me. When I started on Twitte ...
Gender Differences: Men vs. Women on Facebook

Gender Differences: Men vs. Women on Facebook

I've had a lot of fun lately seeing all the gender related stats we've featured on Bit Rebels. It's really interesting to do the man/woman comparison ...
Social Networking Is Already Using The Cloud [Infographic]

Social Networking Is Already Using The Cloud [Infographic]

Are you one of those who is really looking forward to the day when cloud computing is as normal as the Internet itself?  If so, you might not have to ...
Facebook Photos: The Astonishing Stats [Infographic]

Facebook Photos: The Astonishing Stats [Infographic]

Relatively speaking, I am still a newbie on Facebook. I've been on the site less than a year. It's fun and all, but to me, it still doesn't touch Tw ...
The Surprising Discovery About Twitter Retweets

The Surprising Discovery About Twitter Retweets

I have seen so many posts written about the dynamics of Twitter retweets, and every time I read one, I always want to write my own on the topic. I'm ...
7 Steps: The Evolution Of A Social Media Friendship

7 Steps: The Evolution Of A Social Media Friendship

I remember back in the day (2009), I wrote many articles about how to build real friendships in social media. Back then; people were skeptical that i ...
A Day In The Life Of A Social Media Manager [Infographic]

A Day In The Life Of A Social Media Manager [Infographic]

Being a social media manager sounds so glamorous, doesn't it? For anyone who is a twitterholic, it translates to, "I can finally get paid to tweet!" ...
Chicks Rule: Power of Women in Social Media [Infographic]

Chicks Rule: Power of Women in Social Media [Infographic]

Until recently, I never really thought about the differences between men and women in social media. I've seen articles here and there about it, but I ...
Are We REALLY Addicted To Social Media? [Infographic]

Are We REALLY Addicted To Social Media? [Infographic]

We see it in tweets all the time. People send things like, "I'm a Twitterholic" or "I invite you to a Twitterholic Anonymous meeting." Most of us, o ...
5 Fascinating Facts About Twitter’s History

5 Fascinating Facts About Twitter’s History

If you are a regular on Bit Rebels, you've probably noticed that I've written close to 100 articles about Twitter. Twitter is very near and dear to m ...
This Is Why Parents Shouldn’t Text [Humor]

This Is Why Parents Shouldn’t Text [Humor]

I refuse to friend anyone in my family on Facebook. There, I said it. It completely creeps me out when my two worlds collide. There is a friend wor ...
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