If you are someone who wants to learn more about how to cook and you don’t know where to start, then this is the article for you. We are going to go through some of the top cooking apps that you’ve got to get on your side if you want to cook like a pro. Who says that your smartphone can’t cook for you?
There are plenty of websites and cookbooks out there that you could go through, but why do that when you can have everything you need right on your smartphone? Just download some of the apps that we’re going to go through down below and you’ll have everything you need. Keep reading to learn some more.
1. Jamie’s Recipes
The first app that we’re going to talk a bit about is called Jamie’s Recipes. This is more of a smaller app, but it’s going to make a big difference in your cooking career. The photos of the 10 recipes on this app are going to transport you to some place that’s more rustic and peaceful than where you might find yourself right now. These recipes are going to take you to that Tuscan village or Moroccan town of your dreams in no time. You are also going to get some really great educational videos, like some about various knife skills.
If you’re looking for a small app to start out with in cooking some great recipes, then Jamie’s Recipes is definitely a great place to start. You can then move on to some more advanced apps that come with some more options to try out.
2. Nigella Quick Collection
One of the best things about Nigella Lawson is that she manages to make cooking and her recipes sexy on her show. With her Nigella Quick Collection app, she manages to transfer this sexiness very easily. You are going to find plenty of recipes here that you can cook up for your significant other on date night. And we all know how difficult it is to come up with a recipe that he or she is going to love. With this app, you are going to find so many ideas that you might find it hard to pick which one he or she is going to like best! Whether you’re just cooking some nice bread or a more intensive recipe, this one is for you.
3. Martha Stewart Cookies
What do you think about most when you think about Martha Stewart? You probably think about her baked goods first of all! More specifically, her cookies. Martha Stewart is one of the most famous names in all of the baking world, so you have got to try out Martha Stewart Cookies. This app comes with 90 or so different cookie recipes that you can try out and enjoy. They’re also going to come with fantastic photos of the cookies that will make you super hungry before you even start baking them.
On top of that, this app is going to give you some gifting ideas that you can use to gift these cookies to someone else. Because you definitely don’t want to eat all of those cookies by yourself! Your waistline is going to be no good after that.
4. Panna
This next app on our list got its start on the famous crowd-funding website, Kickstarter. This magazine app is video-based, which is going to be a great addition to your smartphone cooking collection. You are going to have to pay a fee per issue of the online magazine, but this is going to be worth it. With that fee, you’ll get about a dozen recipes and a couple hundred minutes’ worth of video content to help you out with your cooking. They are going to bring you through the exact cooking steps, so you will barely have to put in any work at all! If you’re someone who likes to watch someone else cook something and then replicate those movements yourself, then Panna is the app for you.
5. Chefs Feed
If you don’t think you can cook like a chef, don’t worry! You can still eat like one with this app. Local chefs will come onto this app from many different cities in the US and will recommend local restaurants that they believe deliver the best dishes. It’s sort of like Yelp, but with more qualified chefs giving the recommendations. If you’re someone who doesn’t like to cook and spend that time in the kitchen, then Chefs Feed is the app for you to try out!
6. The Professional Chef By The Culinary Institute Of America
The last item on the list is one of the most intense apps that you can try out if you want to become a true culinary master. This app is going to be a sort of virtual school for you. There are an absolute ton of recipes to choose from and plenty of tests, quizzes, videos, and other content for you to learn from. You are going to be learning from the best as the Culinary Institute of America is the most reputable source of cooking and baking education in the United States.
Which of these apps are you going to try out first? They are all fantastic for those of you wanting to become cooking masters.
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