Category: Apps - Page 11

4 Apps That Make “Adulting” Easy

4 Apps That Make “Adulting” Easy

Despite the seamless connectivity and conveniences our digital world affords, things can quickly get complicated based on the plethora of tools we hav ...
Is The FaceApp Challenge Really As Perilous As It Seems?

Is The FaceApp Challenge Really As Perilous As It Seems?

Just over a week ago, the FaceApp application shot to the top of both Apple and Google store charts after millions of users downloaded it to ‘age’ the ...
Instavast – Instagram Marketing Made Easy The Professional Way

Instavast – Instagram Marketing Made Easy The Professional Way

If you have ever used Instagram, you know what a great marketing platform it can be and what impact it can have on your business efforts. Well, that i ...
Latest UBER Clone Script For Taxi Businesses

Latest UBER Clone Script For Taxi Businesses

With the presentation of taxi booking apps, taxi businesses are evaluated to achieve new developments in the coming years. To contend in the market, i ...
How To Develop An App Like Uber For Beauty Services

How To Develop An App Like Uber For Beauty Services

In the early time, a majority of women used to go parlor to get their work done. The time was hard for women to get scheduled by beauticians at sky-hi ...
Spotivity Helps Teens Engage In Meaningful And Fun After School Activities [Review]

Spotivity Helps Teens Engage In Meaningful And Fun After School Activities [Review]

Teenagers have many hours to occupy with what is known as after-school time. The teenage years provide the necessary time to hone and develop the skil ...
Avoid These 5 Mistakes While Writing Apache Spark And Scala Applications

Avoid These 5 Mistakes While Writing Apache Spark And Scala Applications

As an aspiring Data Scientist, you must be aware of the fact that Apache Spark is one of the big data engines that is making a lot of buzzes these day ...
4 Reasons To Use Mobile Trackers

4 Reasons To Use Mobile Trackers

Have you ever found yourself tensed because you are failed to get your cell phone? Sometimes it happens that we do not remember where we have placed o ...
The Best Bitcoin Wallets For Mobile Users

The Best Bitcoin Wallets For Mobile Users

If you are thinking of joining the cryptocurrency world and are specifically considering purchasing some Bitcoin for either safekeeping or trading on ...
Apps For Parents To Monitor Their Kids

Apps For Parents To Monitor Their Kids

Whether it’s about timing of your kids coaching class which is not matching up with your office schedule or their other activities for which you are n ...
8 Amazing Benefits Of Time Clock Apps

8 Amazing Benefits Of Time Clock Apps

Don’t tell me you’re still using pen and paper timesheets to track time at your workplace? This isn’t the stone age! It’s 2019, and using old-fashione ...
6 Apps That You Should Install For Professional Communication

6 Apps That You Should Install For Professional Communication

If you make a lot of mistakes while chatting or writing a professional email to your boss or clients, wait, we have a solution for you. You might have ...
Stay Updated On Games From Around The World With This Football Livescores App

Stay Updated On Games From Around The World With This Football Livescores App

Football fans everywhere know the importance of keeping up-to-date with all of the latest live scores from their favorite leagues and tournaments. But ...
Website CMS Systems – WordPress Or Joomla?

Website CMS Systems – WordPress Or Joomla?

When choosing a Content Management System for your website, it really comes down to which system you think is better suited to you and your site’s uni ...
5 Apps That You Can Use To Access Your Team’s Desktop Securely

5 Apps That You Can Use To Access Your Team’s Desktop Securely

When you can't access, in person, your desktop or team's desktop, then you need an app to do that for you. As long as there's an internet connection, ...
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