Category: Apps - Page 21

Snapheal App Review: This Could Be Your Alternative To Photoshop

Snapheal App Review: This Could Be Your Alternative To Photoshop

I absolutely love Photoshop, but I will also be the first to tell you that it's expensive (even with the monthly "renting" option) and it's complicate ...
Condom Size: The App That Helps You Find The Perfect Fitting Condom

Condom Size: The App That Helps You Find The Perfect Fitting Condom

Wearing a baggy condom is like wearing a pair of baggy jeans - it's not a good look. Actually, since I'll never know what it's like to wear one of the ...
Picture Safe iPhone App Adds Protection To Your Sensitive Pictures

Picture Safe iPhone App Adds Protection To Your Sensitive Pictures

Security has become a huge concern since we started using mobile devices at an every increasing rate. The ease at which a hacker can get to your conte ...
ReelSonar Fishing App: Now There’s No Excuse Not To Catch The Big One

ReelSonar Fishing App: Now There’s No Excuse Not To Catch The Big One

We use our smartphones for just about everything these days, but one thing I thought was still forbidden is taking it out on the water. If you drop yo ...
Mouse App Turns Your iPhone Into A Genius Smart Mouse Solution

Mouse App Turns Your iPhone Into A Genius Smart Mouse Solution

A mouse can be such a time saver when you're working on a laptop or a desktop computer, especially when it's a wireless mouse solution. The trackpad h ...
Calculator iPhone App Lets You Use Your Handwriting Instead Of Typing

Calculator iPhone App Lets You Use Your Handwriting Instead Of Typing

If you are like me, you hate hopping between folders on your iPhone just to find the right app. Even more annoying is the endeavor of having to click ...
Over: The Photo Editing App That Adds Typography To Your Photos

Over: The Photo Editing App That Adds Typography To Your Photos

As you know, we write about a lot of apps here on Bit Rebels. I have to admit, most of the time when I see one that I think might be cool, I install i ...
SpiroSmart: The Simple App Some Doctors Use To Monitor Lung Health

SpiroSmart: The Simple App Some Doctors Use To Monitor Lung Health

Every day it seems we write about how technology enhances our lives in every way. Unless you're living in a forest somewhere deep in the woods, chance ...
Secret SMS iPhone App Hides Your Juiciest Texts From Prying Eyes

Secret SMS iPhone App Hides Your Juiciest Texts From Prying Eyes

The cell phone allows us to keep in touch with each other wherever we are. That's not only through voice calls, but through text messages and SMS. Tha ...
Proximity App Auto Locks Your MacBook When You Step Away From It

Proximity App Auto Locks Your MacBook When You Step Away From It

One common annoyance that all MacBook users have experienced is the inability to smart lock the computer when you leave your desk for a second. Sure, ...
Bump: Instantly Exchange Virtual Business Cards With A Fist Bump

Bump: Instantly Exchange Virtual Business Cards With A Fist Bump

I have to say that when it comes to business cards, the options are as many as there are stars on the night sky. Business cards have long been the onl ...
8 Apps To Help You Survive The End Of The World [Infographic]

8 Apps To Help You Survive The End Of The World [Infographic]

I guess we should live it up today since according to the Mayan calendar, this is our last full day alive on earth. One of our guest authors, Ben Warn ...
Security App Sends Picture Of The Thief Who Took Your iPhone

Security App Sends Picture Of The Thief Who Took Your iPhone

I think a lot of you will agree with me when I say that one of the worst things that can get stolen from us is our iPhone. It has happened to so many ...
Record Your Life With The 1 Second Everyday App

Record Your Life With The 1 Second Everyday App

There are more and more applications being introduced for photo sharing, photo manipulation and of course lifelogging. All of these things have so far ...
5 Apps For Kids That Will Buy You 5 Minutes Of Precious Time

5 Apps For Kids That Will Buy You 5 Minutes Of Precious Time

I went to a picnic over the weekend with families who had kids of all different ages. Once the kids had burned off some energy on the playground and t ...
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