Category: Business - Page 257

Traditional Publicity vs. Content Marketing [Chart]

Traditional Publicity vs. Content Marketing [Chart]

Content marketing continues to be a hot topic as more and more brands find creative ways to distribute valuable content and establish themselves as le ...
Ultimate Startup Cheat Sheet For Inspired Entrepreneurs [Flowchart]

Ultimate Startup Cheat Sheet For Inspired Entrepreneurs [Flowchart]

I am sure most of you have at some point had an idea that you thought could become a huge success. Whether it was a product or a service doesn't matte ...
9 Characteristics Of An Entrepreneur: Recognize Some Of Them? [Chart]

9 Characteristics Of An Entrepreneur: Recognize Some Of Them? [Chart]

There are many characteristics of an entrepreneur, and since every person is different, we don't all have the same ones. The reason I like this chart ...
Steve Jobs Gives His Opinion About Why Some People Fail [1994 Video]

Steve Jobs Gives His Opinion About Why Some People Fail [1994 Video]

When we're trying to find it, the distance between success and failure can seem very long. It can seem like it is taking forever to experience the suc ...
Benefits Of Working From Home: A List Of Pros As Cons [Humor]

Benefits Of Working From Home: A List Of Pros As Cons [Humor]

It's Saturday morning as I'm writing this, and I'm sitting on my bed with my laptop like I do many mornings when I write my articles for the day. I st ...
Potential Employers Think Intelligence Is Most Important [Infographic]

Potential Employers Think Intelligence Is Most Important [Infographic]

If you had to choose one trait which you think potential employers look for most when interviewing candidates, what would it be? Before I read about t ...
Startup Failure Insight: Industry Projections Until 2017 [Infographic]

Startup Failure Insight: Industry Projections Until 2017 [Infographic]

As you know from all the articles we've written about entrepreneurship, we are the first to cheer on anyone who follows their dreams and decides to ta ...
Insight Into How To Become A Leader In Business [Infographic]

Insight Into How To Become A Leader In Business [Infographic]

Many people say they want to be a leader in business, but do they really know what that means? Back in the old days, the words 'management' and 'leade ...
Crafting The Perfect Modern Resume [Infographic]

Crafting The Perfect Modern Resume [Infographic]

In today's Internet society, things stay in constant motion. The way we presented ourselves before is long gone, and today we are all trying to create ...
Sponsorship Guide: How To Procure Sponsorships [Infographic]

Sponsorship Guide: How To Procure Sponsorships [Infographic]

If you have a magazine, online news outlet or even a blog, you want more people to visit it every day, right? There are plenty of ways you could make ...
How To Create A Twitter Resume & Apply For A Job On Twitter

How To Create A Twitter Resume & Apply For A Job On Twitter

I wrote an article earlier today about how lying on resumes is an epidemic. Almost everyone lies about something, whether it's a tiny date or somethin ...
What Most Employees Lie About On Their Resumes [Infographic]

What Most Employees Lie About On Their Resumes [Infographic]

Most employees have lied on a resume at one point or another when they've been competing for a job. Depending on what you read, you may even hear this ...
14 Body Language Styles In Business Meetings & What They Mean [Humor]

14 Body Language Styles In Business Meetings & What They Mean [Humor]

If you are one of those people who has to attend a lot of business meetings, I feel for you. There's nothing that can make you feel more annoyed, tire ...
14 Job Interview Tips That Will Get You The Job [Infographic]

14 Job Interview Tips That Will Get You The Job [Infographic]

You can never be too prepared when it comes to a job interview. There are so many people who just try to wing it, thinking their charm will be the onl ...
Don’t Let Career Stress Kill You…Because It Can [Infographic]

Don’t Let Career Stress Kill You…Because It Can [Infographic]

We've written about the effects of stress many times. The thing is, most people underestimate the toll stress takes on their bodies. If you are an ent ...
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