Search query: bullying

Domestic Violence Awareness: Get The Facts [Infographic]

Domestic Violence Awareness: Get The Facts [Infographic]

In my opinion, domestic violence is the worst kind of bullying. This article is all about domestic violence awareness since October is National Bullyi ...
20 Criminal Cases Solved By Using Facebook [Infographic]

20 Criminal Cases Solved By Using Facebook [Infographic]

The odds are pretty much in my favor when I say that you are on Facebook at this very moment. There are over 750 million people registered on Facebook ...
10 Life Lessons We Can Learn On Twitter

10 Life Lessons We Can Learn On Twitter

When I first got on Twitter, I never realized that I would get so much out of the social networking site. I am active on Twitter everyday, and the exp ...
Weather Widget: Show Off The Weather In Star Wars!

Weather Widget: Show Off The Weather In Star Wars!

I recently read about a little 1st grader girl who got bullied at school because she liked Star Wars, and she had a water bottle with a Star Wars them ...

What Will Make You Unfollow? Twitter Community Answers!

Twitter is a great place to meet people from all over the world. You can really have lots of fun too. Imagine being able to learn and share cool stuff ...
An Online Help Resource for Kids

An Online Help Resource for Kids

When I was growing up, opening up to my parents was easy. They always encouraged us to speak. I cannot imagine not being able to say anything to the ...
Dream Machine – This Is The Computer We All Dream About

Dream Machine – This Is The Computer We All Dream About

You're sitting at a computer reading this, so there's a huge chance that it is your own computer you're sitting at. If you are a gamer, it is probabl ...
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