Search query: student

Unusual Book Art: A Display Of Rotting, Decomposing Books

Unusual Book Art: A Display Of Rotting, Decomposing Books

Everyone knows that traditional books are slowly becoming relics that we'll remember from our pre-technology obsessed years. The students that are in ...
Object Creation At Home Finally Available With This Touch 3D Printer

Object Creation At Home Finally Available With This Touch 3D Printer

The 3D printing community is growing at a very rapid pace, and it's becoming more and more advanced with each day that goes by. It wasn't too long ago ...
Teacher’s Guide To Social Media [Infographic]

Teacher’s Guide To Social Media [Infographic]

One question I keep asking myself about the current state of education in the United States, or at least in Atlanta where I live, is why isn't social ...
Then & Now: Kids In 1982 vs. Kids In 2012 [Infographic]

Then & Now: Kids In 1982 vs. Kids In 2012 [Infographic]

Yesterday I wrote about a retro Atari commercial that's at least 30 years old (Atari turns 40 this year). I watched that and laughed at how different ...
11 Creative Ways Magnets Can Help You Around The House

11 Creative Ways Magnets Can Help You Around The House

I have a little life theory which I've always thought, and it's based on absolutely nothing. I think one of the clues you can see in a child which hin ...
See The Scale Of The Universe: Prepare To Be Blown Away

See The Scale Of The Universe: Prepare To Be Blown Away

I love learning, and I'm positively thrilled whenever I get the chance to gather new information (I'm strange like that). That's why I find the applic ...
Paintbrush & Candy Box Packaging With A Little Flavor Savor

Paintbrush & Candy Box Packaging With A Little Flavor Savor

I quickly get sucked into packaging design that embraces a genuinely extraordinary concept. These are design solutions that are more than practical an ...
Wear Your Agenda With Wrist Watch Post-It Notes

Wear Your Agenda With Wrist Watch Post-It Notes

As a college student, I have a very busy lifestyle. When school is in session, I typically have up to three classes a day mixed in with meetings with ...
The Growing Impact Of Internet On Education [Infographic]

The Growing Impact Of Internet On Education [Infographic]

It sure is an exciting time for the nimble and innovative! With mainstream adoption, the Internet and social media have pervaded every aspect of our l ...
Understoodit Classroom App: Press Red Button If You’re Confused

Understoodit Classroom App: Press Red Button If You’re Confused

It’s early in the morning, and you’re sitting in class. You pulled an all-nighter yesterday, and the evening before you may or may not have been out p ...
James Bond 007 Theme Song Played On Floppy Drives

James Bond 007 Theme Song Played On Floppy Drives

Floppy drive music is always fun to listen to. It's not inspiring like regular music in a tune kind of way, but more in a geek kind of way. There is n ...
10 Fantasy Creations From A History That Never Happened

10 Fantasy Creations From A History That Never Happened

If you were to visit a place called the Museum of Unnatural History, what do you think would be there? There would be a bunch of fun stuff that was fa ...
10 Gorgeous Minimalist Superhero Illustrations In Vibrant Colors

10 Gorgeous Minimalist Superhero Illustrations In Vibrant Colors

I don't write about minimalist design a lot. Richard writes about it often, but I don't since I don't get it half the time. I understand that when it ...
Mobile Content On Your Car Window

Mobile Content On Your Car Window

This is exactly what we more thing to pull our eyes from the road. But, is this really any different from the child in the back-seat with t ...
Know The Warning Signs Of Art [Humor]

Know The Warning Signs Of Art [Humor]

I remember back in the old days, colleges and universities didn't do any advertising, or at least not any that I ever saw. When students finished high ...
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