Search query: car

Play on Logo Symbols

Play on Logo Symbols

A logo is very important in branding.  One must be careful in putting together elements to the design.  It is after all its the first contact the co ...
Unusual Wedding Invite

Unusual Wedding Invite

After you proposed.  Did she say Yes?  If she did then its time for the wedding invitation to be sent.  Here is a cool invite we found.  Its rathe ...
Film: Princess Pictures

Film: Princess Pictures

A small film maker with big ambitions likes to take his friends and turn them into actors...  Tim McGaw wrote, produced, directed and edited this fil ...

Eco-House: Bit like a tardis…

People are always looking for better ways of recycling old stuff,  I'm not a big fan of tree hugging, but I don't see the point in putting lots of us ...
Creative Mobile Packaging

Creative Mobile Packaging

INQ Mobile dubbed as the first Social Mobile with its Easy access to your favourite things: Switcher gives you instant access to Facebook, Messenger, ...

Safety Against the “Silent Killer”

No one really pays so much attention to CO (Carbon Monoxide) poisoning. But its a threat that have claimed lives. This invisible gas can kill in jus ...

Shut up already!

Working from home has MANY benefits, being able to call your hours (most of the time) and being close to the family who are only just a few steps away ...
Eco Designer Furniture

Eco Designer Furniture

Designers of Merci design of Latvia has developed a line of Tamago furniture series  for 2009.  Tamago is the Japanese for egg. Tamago is a new ...
Save 90% Water – Beads, Beads Beads..

Save 90% Water – Beads, Beads Beads..

Waterless washing machine that can save water by 90% is an amazing breakthrough.  The technology,  the nylon polymer has an inherent polarity that a ...
Sony Walkman vs iPod

Sony Walkman vs iPod

The BBC released a really interesting article where they took an average 13yr old boy and swapped him a standard 1980's Sony Walkman for his iPod, Tou ...
Pocket Projector for iPhone

Pocket Projector for iPhone

Thanks to technology, now there is no need to carry bulky projectors for meetings and presentations.  Now there is the PhotoSuit Mili iPhone/iPod Pro ...

Canned Cheeseburger

Camping or trekking and want an easy snack to bring with you?  Now there is the canned cheese burger.  Nothing could be easier to prepare: Just heat ...
2 “Avatar” Movies – Clash of The Titians

2 “Avatar” Movies – Clash of The Titians

Alright, there has been a lot of talk about James Cameron's upcoming movie "Avatar" that supposidly has the highest budget ever for a movie. But there ...

3 Ways To Fix Stuck Pixels On LCD Monitors

As a designer sometimes the annoying happens. With time your monitor might get an increased number of stuck, or often referred to as "dead", pixels. U ...

3 Ways To Fix Your “Mighty” Mouse Scroll Ball

They are the ace when it comes to tracking your mouse cursor. However, they only last for so long and what I mean about that is the ever so annoying s ...
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