Search query: future technology

How Lighting Or A Song In A Coffee Shop Can Initiate Mobile Malware

How Lighting Or A Song In A Coffee Shop Can Initiate Mobile Malware

As technology gets more sophisticated, hackers fine-tune the ways they are able to access our personal information. I consider myself to be up-to-date ...
Xbox One First Impressions: Is It Already Outdated?

Xbox One First Impressions: Is It Already Outdated?

So, Microsoft has released the new Xbox, the Xbox One. Is it the leap forward over the previous Xbox that it needs to be, or has Microsoft dropped the ...
DIY Tech Fabric Changes Colors To Match The Rest Of Your Outfit

DIY Tech Fabric Changes Colors To Match The Rest Of Your Outfit

Wouldn't it be great if there was a tech fabric that you could just touch to a color and it would automatically change colors to reflect the color of ...
3D Printed Heels Sport A Smartphone Case For Safe Keeping

3D Printed Heels Sport A Smartphone Case For Safe Keeping

Alright, so what do you invent when pretty much every single creative outlet has been depleted when it comes to smartphone case designs? Well, you sta ...
Booklet: First E-Ink Smartphone Concept Unveiled

Booklet: First E-Ink Smartphone Concept Unveiled

A couple days ago, I wrote about Sony's interesting e-ink paper notepad which is set for release later this year. I have been keeping a close eye on e ...
Sugar Lab’s Sweet 3D Printed Sculptures Made Entirely From Sugar

Sugar Lab’s Sweet 3D Printed Sculptures Made Entirely From Sugar

I read an article last week that said the materials used in 3D printing aren't quite keeping up with the pace at which 3D printing technology itself i ...
Smartphone Concept Premiers Triple Screen Design

Smartphone Concept Premiers Triple Screen Design

I sometimes wonder what this year might have in store for us from a technology perspective. Apple is soon to unveil their new stuff, and I am quite su ...
Innovative 10-Pound Track Bike With 3D Printed Lugs Is Rideable

Innovative 10-Pound Track Bike With 3D Printed Lugs Is Rideable

There has been a lot of advancement lately when it comes to bike helmets, but today I'd like to feature an innovative bike. If you are a fan of track ...
Gozaik: Most Sophisticated & Effective Way To Find A Job Using Twitter

Gozaik: Most Sophisticated & Effective Way To Find A Job Using Twitter

Statistics show that the average person will change jobs 7 times in his or her lifetime. Many people keep an eye on new jobs even before they actually ...
Schools Turn Kids Into Geeks With Classroom Technologies [Infographic]

Schools Turn Kids Into Geeks With Classroom Technologies [Infographic]

I find the topic of technologies in our schools quite fascinating. I don't think anyone can deny the fact that the world is revolving more and more ar ...
Watercooled Raspberry Pi Computer Flirts With Aesthetics

Watercooled Raspberry Pi Computer Flirts With Aesthetics

When it comes to newly introduced computers, few have been talked about and hyped more than the super small and cheap Raspberry Pi. When first announc ...
Artificial Brain Now In Full Process Of Learning From The Internet

Artificial Brain Now In Full Process Of Learning From The Internet

We are often treated to artificial intelligence in movies these days. We have even seen artificial intelligence turn on humans and become our enemy in ...
Car Headlights That Make Raindrops Invisible When You Are Driving

Car Headlights That Make Raindrops Invisible When You Are Driving

Driving in a heavy rainstorm can be tough, especially if you live in a big city like I do. Driving in heavy rain at night when it's completely dark ca ...
Glowing Plants Set To Replace Our Currently Inefficient Light Sources

Glowing Plants Set To Replace Our Currently Inefficient Light Sources

I tend to get all up into things that will change the future for the better. When it comes to making our planet a more enjoyable place, I am all for i ...
New Apple Patents Suggest Car Location Feature For iPhone Or iWatch

New Apple Patents Suggest Car Location Feature For iPhone Or iWatch

Here we go again! New Apple patents mean more speculation, and we're not shy about jumping on the rumor train. That is in no way saying we'll accept t ...
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