Search query: animal

Chimpanzees Have A Better Short-Term Memory Than You

Chimpanzees Have A Better Short-Term Memory Than You

Humans have long believed that we are the smartest creatures on this planet. In some ways we are. However, when it comes to our memory, we are not as ...
Pampered Pets – How Much Do Brits Spend On Their Pets? [Infographic]

Pampered Pets – How Much Do Brits Spend On Their Pets? [Infographic]

People adore pets in the UK, and nothing brings more warmth to people's hearts than the love of a furry, feather or even scaly little pal. From being ...
Mini-Games – The Best In-Game Games Of All Time

Mini-Games – The Best In-Game Games Of All Time

It wasn't all too long ago that video games were just a couple of lines on the screen trying to block a square ball from getting past them. A lot has ...
The 40 Strangest Pet Laws Around The World [Infographic]

The 40 Strangest Pet Laws Around The World [Infographic]

A pet can mean a lot to a person, if you have it long enough it can begin to feel like part of the family and a companion - after all, a dog isn’t cal ...
Guy Builds Iconic AT ST Star Wars Cat House

Guy Builds Iconic AT ST Star Wars Cat House

At times, the Internet seems to be run by cat videos and memes, but even though that might be true, at least each category has layers to it. One of th ...
Exotic Hotel Room Has A Secret Underwater Retreat

Exotic Hotel Room Has A Secret Underwater Retreat

When you are out traveling what do you go for? Are you the exotic safari adventurer or are you a hotel room hugger? There are millions and millions of ...
Cat Vision: How Your Cat Sees Those Instagram Pics And YouTube Videos

Cat Vision: How Your Cat Sees Those Instagram Pics And YouTube Videos

Have you ever wondered how animals see the world? When you watch cat videos with your cat sitting on your lap, what does he or she see? Is it the same ...
101 Geeky Movie And TV Characters Hand Painted As Mini Sloths [Chart]

101 Geeky Movie And TV Characters Hand Painted As Mini Sloths [Chart]

So there you are, sitting at your desk, and you need something brainlessly entertaining to look at until your next conference call. Maybe you just got ...
LEGO Thriller: This Latest Version Of MJ’s Thriller Oozes Creativity

LEGO Thriller: This Latest Version Of MJ’s Thriller Oozes Creativity

They say practice makes perfect, and I suppose we could say Michael Jackson was someone who pushed that mantra to the limit. Even today his music and ...
Magnetic Wallpaper Turns Ordinary Walls Into A Spontaneous Adventure

Magnetic Wallpaper Turns Ordinary Walls Into A Spontaneous Adventure

I've always thought the walls in a child's bedroom are perfect for drawing on and developing creativity. To me, it's important to allow children to ex ...
Digital Tattoo (RFID Implant) That Can Only Be Seen With A Smartphone

Digital Tattoo (RFID Implant) That Can Only Be Seen With A Smartphone

There is a growing group of people who combine a hacking mentality to biology. They are able to hack their bodies into doing things that have never be ...
World’s First Architectural Structure Built Using Only 3D Printing

World’s First Architectural Structure Built Using Only 3D Printing

The structure you see below is being called the world's first architectural structure built using only 3D printing. It may look small, but think about ...
Dog Collar Messages Owner If Temperature In Car Is Dangerously Hot

Dog Collar Messages Owner If Temperature In Car Is Dangerously Hot

We have all heard horrific stories about children and animals dying in overheated cars. Not only is it irresponsible behavior, but it's a sad display ...
Brilliant Raspberry Pi Build That Is Like A Babysitter For Hurt Bird

Brilliant Raspberry Pi Build That Is Like A Babysitter For Hurt Bird

It's heartwarming when technology improves the lives of people around the world, and it's also touching when it reaches over into the lives of animals ...
Wearable Computers For Rescue Dogs Will Help With Canine Communication

Wearable Computers For Rescue Dogs Will Help With Canine Communication

If you were thinking that wearable computers were just a fad, surely all the excitement surrounding Google glass and glass-like innovations have chang ...
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