Search query: art

Alice Returns to Wonderland with Johnny Depp

Alice Returns to Wonderland with Johnny Depp

I’m a huge Johnny Depp fan. Like any other warm blooded woman on the planet, I think he is the best thing to ever hit Hollywood. I also think Tim Bu ...
10 Lessons I’ve Learned On Twitter

10 Lessons I’ve Learned On Twitter

This has been a huge year for me personally. I feel like I experienced ten years of personal growth in one 12 month period. I learned a lot about li ...
Do You Have What It Takes?

Do You Have What It Takes?

If you are the type who likes advertising, who wants to create cool ads, showcase your great ideas.  Then you might want to check out the Young Guns W ...
10 Best Games of the Decade!

10 Best Games of the Decade!

Christmas season is finally here, for some of us, it means time with the family, and lots of traveling. For others, it means a lot of free time, and a ...
Ever heard of Ya, me neither

Ever heard of Ya, me neither

There's a new power house in town and their name is Unless you've been under a rock for the past year (which equates to 4 years in Twitter yea ...
Don’t Die With Your Music Still In You

Don’t Die With Your Music Still In You

As we enter a new year, we once again start fresh with new ideas, new goals and a new attitude about our future. As I reminisce about 2009, and all t ...
Spelling Check | Language Translation on Google Wave

Spelling Check | Language Translation on Google Wave

If you have already been waving or is starting to wave, tips and process information on how things work on there is always helpful.  Waving is real ti ...
Avatar Graffiti Timelapse | Even James Cameron is in AWE!

Avatar Graffiti Timelapse | Even James Cameron is in AWE!

Everything around us is all about the new and released Avatar movie. Since it's announcement it has been one of the most talked about happenings of 20 ...
Fashion Trend for 2010 : Techie Light

Fashion Trend for 2010 : Techie Light

How cool to see that people are really embracing technology in 2009.  We saw an increase in people embracing social media most specially Twitter and F ...
Photoshop | Professional Color Correction

Photoshop | Professional Color Correction

Sometimes when we take a photo it doesn't really come out the way that we want it to. Lighting might obscure the details in a picture or the colors in ...
How To: Read People’s Minds

How To: Read People’s Minds

Since I grew up watching Star Trek and Spock’s Vulcan mind melds, I was convinced from a very young age that reading other people’s minds was possible ...
For Your Inspiration: Magnificent Fractals

For Your Inspiration: Magnificent Fractals

Since I love both math and art, I’ve always been fascinated with fractals. The Mandelbrot set is one of the most popular ways to play with fractals, ...
You Just Can’t Fix Stupid

You Just Can’t Fix Stupid

I haven’t seen good slapstick comedy in a long time. The three stooges show was before my time, but that kind of humor always makes me laugh. It's t ...

How To: Make the Chewbacca Noise

Now you can be just like everyone’s favorite Wookie, Chewbacca, known as Chewie to all those that love him. Before writing this article, I practiced ...
How To: Handle Meetings Efficiently

How To: Handle Meetings Efficiently

I really hate long meetings, it usually eats up a lot of my time, there are times of course that you need to do long meetings, but more often than not ...
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