Search query: art

1st Mac Ad Revisited – “1984”

1st Mac Ad Revisited – “1984”

"1984" was the commercial that introduced the Apple Macintosh Computer to the world.  Its only daytime televised broadcast was on 22 January 1984 dur ...

Welcome! – Introducing Our New Writers

Today is a special day! I am really happy to announce that Bit Rebels now have 3 more writers injecting new and fantastic posts to our ever growing de ...
First Version of Photoshop

First Version of Photoshop

All designers have one tool in common, Photoshop. No matter what incarnation you are using it still packs a hell of a punch and time saving when worki ...
LED Bling

LED Bling

LED scrolling screen as a fashion accessory? Found two cool products that has incorporated led scrolling lights as part of the design. The first ite ...
Cell Phones For The Blind

Cell Phones For The Blind

Everyone with their sight intact has for long enjoyed the magic on any cell phone screen. Even if it was just the orange digits appearing on a device ...
Speed Drawing

Speed Drawing

When I started my blog i get a lot of inquiries as to how i do my drawings. when I was going through some materials I found this very cool video on S ...
How About A Pixel Couch?

How About A Pixel Couch?

As a designer we always want to make things a little bit extra weird or beautiful right? Well, some people don't stop doing their inner pictures on sc ...
Keyboard Heaven – The LED In Look

Keyboard Heaven – The LED In Look

Chances are pretty much 1/1 that you probably have one in front of you right now when reading this. We all need one in order to add content to our scr ...
Project Natal for XBOX 360

Project Natal for XBOX 360

No Strings (or Controllers) Attached. Introducing Project Natal, a revolutionary new way to play: no controller required. See a ball? Kick it, hit ...
MYST – Changing The World of Gaming

MYST – Changing The World of Gaming

By now there can't be many people around the world that doesn't know about the huge phenomenon of the ground breaking game "Myst" which was released S ...

Red Robots to Save the Day..

Anger management issues? CRUSH ALL HU-MANS! is 64 pages of definitive Red Robot cartoons selected from over 2,000 Diesel Sweeties comics. It’s a sta ...
Apple Bloopers

Apple Bloopers

During the years Apple has been one of the Computer industries most notorious advertisement bad boys. Always bashing down on Microsoft and their produ ...
NASA Confused About Moving Objects

NASA Confused About Moving Objects

Some people believe that we are being visited by other life forms. Some "want" to believe they are real. Some don't believe at all. However, when even ...
Desktop Goodies

Desktop Goodies

Some good finds for the geek at heart. The beauty of the geek experience is that you also have the chance to enjoy neat gadgets. Computer Gear is kn ...
Point.. Click.. Shoot

Point.. Click.. Shoot

LOMO camera anyone? More and more people are getting into photography. One that is getting some raves now are the colorful Lomo plastic cameras. ...
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