Search query: art

DropShades: Next Generation Audio Driven LED Party Glasses

DropShades: Next Generation Audio Driven LED Party Glasses

Technology can be used for a lot of different things. It's often times used to optimize gadgets, which make our lives a little bit better, or even wor ...
Guide For Choosing The Best Facebook Profile Picture [Flowchart]

Guide For Choosing The Best Facebook Profile Picture [Flowchart]

You can tell a lot about a person from his or her Facebook profile picture. Unlike Twitter, people on Facebook change their profile pictures often, an ...
Smartphone Controlled Smart Lock Digitizes Your Home Security

Smartphone Controlled Smart Lock Digitizes Your Home Security

One of the most important aspects of your safety is your home security. Not only is it vital for you, but it also keeps your stuff safe when you're no ...
14 Signs That You Love Your Job…Or Not [Chart]

14 Signs That You Love Your Job…Or Not [Chart]

We write a lot about things you can do if you don't like your job. Statistics show that people will switch job about 7 times during their professional ...
Party Cup: The Party Accessory For Smartphone Junkies

Party Cup: The Party Accessory For Smartphone Junkies

Juggling your phone while partying is the last thing you should be concerned about, right? How many times have you woken up after an epic night out wh ...
Environmentally Friendly Basic Phone Introduces Smart E-Ink Features

Environmentally Friendly Basic Phone Introduces Smart E-Ink Features

The constant strive to make smartphones and devices more environmentally friendly has led to a whole lot of innovation in the past decade. The more we ...
Brain Computer Interface: Paralyzed Artists Brainpaint Using Thoughts

Brain Computer Interface: Paralyzed Artists Brainpaint Using Thoughts

The first time I ever experienced a brain computer interface was when that Star Wars Force Trainer toy was released several years ago. People everywhe ...
Flowchart Guide: Where To Post Your Content [Flowchart]

Flowchart Guide: Where To Post Your Content [Flowchart]

It can be difficult to determine which social network to post things on in this overcrowded landscape we're currently experiencing online. Some people ...
Photography History Illustrated In 100 Landmark Cameras [Chart]

Photography History Illustrated In 100 Landmark Cameras [Chart]

Regardless of what the smartphone revolution has done to the image of professional photography, I think all photo enthusiasts can appreciate how impor ...
Smart Swimming Goggles With Augmented Reality To Identify Organisms

Smart Swimming Goggles With Augmented Reality To Identify Organisms

I don't go anywhere without a few gadgets in my bag, which is probably one of the reasons I don't dive or go underwater much. Water and gadgets don't ...
Artsy Architectural Apartment Floor Plans From TV Shows [9 Pics]

Artsy Architectural Apartment Floor Plans From TV Shows [9 Pics]

The apartments in television shows often look so real that it's easy to forget it's all just a television set. Of course, things aren't always as they ...
The Most Popular Blog Categories According To Google [Chart]

The Most Popular Blog Categories According To Google [Chart]

Most blogging platforms allow you to choose blog categories to organize your content. At first, you might choose your categories without giving them m ...
19 Emotions For Which There Are No Words In English [Chart]

19 Emotions For Which There Are No Words In English [Chart]

Several months ago, I wrote an article about 5 Emotions Invented By The Internet. It was one of my favorite articles to write since I'm very intereste ...
Innovative Artificial Forest Converts Solar Energy Into Chemical Fuels

Innovative Artificial Forest Converts Solar Energy Into Chemical Fuels

Today on Discovery News, I read that one hour of global sunlight contains enough energy to meet the demands of every human on the planet for an entire ...
How To Feel Inspired Even If You Have A Boring Job [Chart]

How To Feel Inspired Even If You Have A Boring Job [Chart]

If you like to express your imagination and creativity, you might dream of a world where you could spend the whole day doing what you love and fulfill ...
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