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The Fotoshop Beauty Regimen: No Self-Respect Needed

The Fotoshop Beauty Regimen: No Self-Respect Needed

Everyone knows that Photoshop distorts reality, but to what extent? We are so used to seeing Photoshopped images everywhere we look these days that do ...
Technology Gets Cozy: The BFF Phone That Becomes Your Friend

Technology Gets Cozy: The BFF Phone That Becomes Your Friend

Since technology is becoming more and more human, the smartphones we have in the very near future might become more than just phones. There might be a ...
Bizarre Beauty: Fake Eyelashes Created From Dead Fly Legs

Bizarre Beauty: Fake Eyelashes Created From Dead Fly Legs

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, but if you ask some artists, it's more like the eyes are a canvas for outrageous art. A few months ago ...
5 Twitter Resolutions You Might Consider Making

5 Twitter Resolutions You Might Consider Making

Now that the holidays are over, it's time to look forward to 2012. While most of us make promises to ourselves that we'll lose weight, quit smoking, o ...
Behold The Hubcap Christmas Tree

Behold The Hubcap Christmas Tree

Each year around Christmas, we cut down an obscene number of trees in order to get that Christmassy feeling. After a few weeks, all those trees just g ...
Social Media Bathroom Mirrors: Twitter & Facebook While In The Loo

Social Media Bathroom Mirrors: Twitter & Facebook While In The Loo

There's no question that people are inspired to update their social media sites while they are in the bathroom. I can relate to that. When I'm in the ...
Eye-Controlled Smartphones: Surf & Play Games With Your Eyes

Eye-Controlled Smartphones: Surf & Play Games With Your Eyes

This is one of those things that we knew was coming, it was all only a matter of time. About a year ago, Richard wrote about the people at Waterloo La ...
Cheeseburger Couture Gift Wrap: A Delicious Way To Wrap Your Gifts

Cheeseburger Couture Gift Wrap: A Delicious Way To Wrap Your Gifts

I'm a big fan of creative wrapping paper. Some people view wrapping paper as an afterthought only to be slapped on a present without much thought. If ...
Twitter To Launch Redesigned Tweet & Follow Buttons

Twitter To Launch Redesigned Tweet & Follow Buttons

Twitter has been sporting the blueish Tweet button since it was launched, and nothing has really been changed with it since. I am sure that most peopl ...
Best 4-Day Sale EVER: Turbocharge Your Site $1 For 1TB At MaxCDN

Best 4-Day Sale EVER: Turbocharge Your Site $1 For 1TB At MaxCDN

This deal is sick! I'm so excited that I get to be one of the first people to write about it. Forget all those boring Black Friday sales on clothes an ...
How To: Build Your Own Igloo From Snow Blocks

How To: Build Your Own Igloo From Snow Blocks

It's funny to me that I'm writing an article about building an igloo when here in the South, it doesn't even snow every year. When it does, it usually ...
Typographic Calendar Created With 2,012 Recycled Keyboard Keys

Typographic Calendar Created With 2,012 Recycled Keyboard Keys

I betcha this is the geekiest thing you'll read all day. I had to read about it a few different times just to wrap my brain around the complexity of i ...
Sweet Play: Mix & Match Chocolates To Inspire Your Creativity

Sweet Play: Mix & Match Chocolates To Inspire Your Creativity

This is one of those ideas that I wish I had thought of. It's a mix and match chocolate extravaganza that will have you drooling all over yourself in ...
The Muppets Redesigned As Dead Muppet Zombies

The Muppets Redesigned As Dead Muppet Zombies

I know when I wrote about the ammunition specifically designed to kill zombies last week, I said I was getting all zombied out. Since then though, the ...
Firebox Twitter Art: Let Your Tweets Make A Portrait

Firebox Twitter Art: Let Your Tweets Make A Portrait

If you have been on Twitter for a little while, I am sure you have built up quite an archive of tweets. They may vary from random thoughts to pictures ...
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