Search query: beauty

A Lap Around Our Beautiful Planet In Time Lapse [Video]

A Lap Around Our Beautiful Planet In Time Lapse [Video]

Planet Earth, the ball suspended in space that we will most likely call home for the remaining days of our lives. What do we really know about her? Do ...
A Disease Called Humans: A Creative Comic About The Earth

A Disease Called Humans: A Creative Comic About The Earth

One thing that we love at Bit Rebels is the planet. Since we all live so far apart from each other, we feel the distance and the vastness of the Earth ...
You Might Be Surprised What’s Trending On China’s Twitter Now

You Might Be Surprised What’s Trending On China’s Twitter Now

I was in Shanghai a few months ago for a Black Card Circle charity event. After being on a 20-hour flight with no Wi-Fi, I was feeling Twitter withdra ...
Epic Mod: PS3 & XBox 360 All In One Box

Epic Mod: PS3 & XBox 360 All In One Box

Playing video games has been a trend since back in the '80s, and it's never really dissipated. It's been there all the time, and it's growing and grow ...
The World’s Only Female 10th Degree Black Belt (She’s 98)

The World’s Only Female 10th Degree Black Belt (She’s 98)

I love celebrating the life victories of strong and successful women. I especially like to do this when they break a belief barrier. When that happens ...
Disney Street Art Goes Where No Art Has Gone Before

Disney Street Art Goes Where No Art Has Gone Before

The street art we are used to these days is becoming quite mundane and ordinary, so I guess people around the world are starting to think up new ways ...
Disney Princesses Redesigned As Vogue Supermodels

Disney Princesses Redesigned As Vogue Supermodels

I've been trying to figure out why it is that artists often create Disney princes and princesses in provocative positions, and I think I've finally fi ...
The NES Lunchbox Mod For Hungry Retro Geeks

The NES Lunchbox Mod For Hungry Retro Geeks

I have so much to say about this. I don't even know where to start. I absolutely love this NES mod, and I truly think it's brilliant. This is better t ...
Relief Paintings Turn Flat Art Into Realistic Color Explosions

Relief Paintings Turn Flat Art Into Realistic Color Explosions

Life comes in many forms and shapes, and the one we experience daily isn't much different from that. What we call reality is sometimes turned into wei ...
Age Is Only A Number: The 100-Year-Old Pageant Winner

Age Is Only A Number: The 100-Year-Old Pageant Winner

I love writing about old ladies. They are just so cute and full of wisdom. They are special people in the world, and if you have to opportunity to lis ...
Beautiful Swear Words: Cursing Has Never Been So Much Fun

Beautiful Swear Words: Cursing Has Never Been So Much Fun

Swearing is fun sometimes, isn't it? It's like a totally naughty way to express ourselves without hurting anyone. Well, that is, unless you call a per ...
Scent Of Flower: Creative Art Made From Flowers

Scent Of Flower: Creative Art Made From Flowers

Most creative artists look at the world a little differently than everyone else. They see opportunities to change the world and help the environment b ...
The Graf Mobile: Every Graffiti Artist’s Wet Dream

The Graf Mobile: Every Graffiti Artist’s Wet Dream

If I am not mistaken, we have touched on this subject before when it comes to graffiti artists. I think we already pointed out back then that there re ...
Carbeque: The Tricked Out Car Transformed Into A BBQ

Carbeque: The Tricked Out Car Transformed Into A BBQ

We are right smack in the middle of summer, and if there was ever a season for barbequing and spending time with friends outside, it's now. Here in At ...
Cosmetic Overkill: 365 Days Of Makeup Applied On One Day

Cosmetic Overkill: 365 Days Of Makeup Applied On One Day

Are you a woman who wears a lot of makeup? Do you think wearing it makes you look more attractive? I always go back and forth on this topic. I try to ...
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