Search query: business

Facebook Usage Is On The Decline…So Who’s Next? [Infographic]

Facebook Usage Is On The Decline…So Who’s Next? [Infographic]

This is a very exciting time that we live in because our generation is witnessing not only the rise of social media in real time, but the rise of the ...
Smile…How To Be Happy At Work [Infographic]

Smile…How To Be Happy At Work [Infographic]

Are you happy at work? Last year around this time, I read on Forbes that 70% of people hate their jobs. I don't know if that number has gone up or dow ...
The WITCH Is Back: 61-Year-Old Computer Alive & Well

The WITCH Is Back: 61-Year-Old Computer Alive & Well

In today’s world of mobile computing with devices that fit in your pocket, the notion that the first computers ever made occupied entire rooms and wei ...
5 Things To Avoid On The B2B Trade Show Exhibit Floor

5 Things To Avoid On The B2B Trade Show Exhibit Floor

Thousands of messages blaring across the exhibitor floor have become the bane of every company that pays for space at trade conferences. Spending doll ...
Possibly The First Polaroid Pictures Ever Taken Of The Apple-1 In 1976

Possibly The First Polaroid Pictures Ever Taken Of The Apple-1 In 1976

If these Polaroid pictures look a little rough, keep in mind they were taken back in 1976. It's inspiring to think about the computer stores that were ...
The Habits Of Successful Leaders [Infographic]

The Habits Of Successful Leaders [Infographic]

We've all read about certain job titles that will soon be in high demand since there is a growing shortage of people going into those careers. Accordi ...
Follow Me: How To Create A Personal Brand On Twitter

Follow Me: How To Create A Personal Brand On Twitter

In the summer of 2009, I attended a dinner party which I will always remember because of what it taught me about Twitter. I joined Twitter on March 9, ...
The Intricate Anatomy Of A Web Designer [Infographic]

The Intricate Anatomy Of A Web Designer [Infographic]

I have heard so many people talk about wanting to become web designers over the years that I have completely lost track of them all. It seems to be th ...
Memoto: Lifelogging Micro Camera That Documents Your Life

Memoto: Lifelogging Micro Camera That Documents Your Life

Blogging has become a huge success on the Internet, and it is starting to become an extension of business that many people are eager to try out. It's ...
Then And Now Life: Offices In I970 vs. Offices In 2012 [Infographic]

Then And Now Life: Offices In I970 vs. Offices In 2012 [Infographic]

In the 1970s, the three most popular careers that women chose were either a nurse, a secretary or a teacher. They weren't the only career choices wome ...
2012: How The Economy Affected Entrepreneur Attitudes [Infographic]

2012: How The Economy Affected Entrepreneur Attitudes [Infographic]

Here in the United States, 2012 will probably always be perceived as a year that was rough financially. Many families are still struggling to get thei ...
Sparx: LED Flash Notifications iPhone 5 Case

Sparx: LED Flash Notifications iPhone 5 Case

Back in the day, when for the first time we could turn off the sound on our cell phones and instead have them vibrate when we received a call or a mes ...
Increase Productivity: Better Document Sharing With Box OneCloud

Increase Productivity: Better Document Sharing With Box OneCloud

As more companies see the value of cloud-based office productivity with document sharing software, more options become available for working with peop ...
13 Vintage Apple Ads That Helped Shape Who We Are Today

13 Vintage Apple Ads That Helped Shape Who We Are Today

I remember back in August when Forbes magazine published an article called Apple Now Most Valuable Company in History. It caused quite a stir online, ...
Top Social Media Stats Too Impressive To Overlook

Top Social Media Stats Too Impressive To Overlook

There are social media stats presented to us on a daily basis, but many times they are "spiced up" to make the particular social media network in ques ...
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