Search query: business

Apple Timeline: The World’s Most Valuable Company [Infographic]

Apple Timeline: The World’s Most Valuable Company [Infographic]

Just a couple of days ago it was announced that Apple officially became the most valuable company in the world. That's no small feat, especially when ...
Smartphone Mania: The New Workforce [Infographic]

Smartphone Mania: The New Workforce [Infographic]

I started thinking about how many cell phones I have gone through since I first started using them, and I unfortunately lost count. Yeah, not that I h ...
How Social Media Can Improve Student Grades [Infographic]

How Social Media Can Improve Student Grades [Infographic]

The topic about whether or not it's appropriate for a student and a teacher to be friends on Facebook has been in the news a lot lately. As a matter o ...
WTF: The Chopped-Off Hand iPhone Case

WTF: The Chopped-Off Hand iPhone Case

I love featuring products from Japan because they are always so different than what we have in the States. I mean different in a good way. They never ...
Photoshop vs. Art Masterpieces Of The World

Photoshop vs. Art Masterpieces Of The World

As technology moves forward, we have seen some radical examples of limitations both within it and outside of it. What I mean is that with Photoshop, f ...
Twitter’s 30 Most Eligible Bachelors

Twitter’s 30 Most Eligible Bachelors

We always hear about couples meeting on Facebook. Apparently Facebook is a very handy dating tool, and it seems like every week I read about how that ...
Freelance At A Glance: The Complete Statistics [Infographic]

Freelance At A Glance: The Complete Statistics [Infographic]

As a freelancer, there is just one thing that you never seem to have enough of, and that is time. Sure, some people would probably say clients as well ...
Cell Phone Wiretapping: Mobile Security Explained [Infographic]

Cell Phone Wiretapping: Mobile Security Explained [Infographic]

Ever since the first mobile phone surfaced on the market, celebrities around the world have been seen on their phones texting while driving, screaming ...
The Complete Google+ Cheatsheet [Infographic]

The Complete Google+ Cheatsheet [Infographic]

We are just getting warmed up with Google+, and some people claim to master it already. Well, I honestly think that is a little bit too soon to announ ...
Living A Life On Facebook: The Path Of Online Dating

Living A Life On Facebook: The Path Of Online Dating

Just as we are all in the midst of discussing the new giant Google+'s amazing march towards becoming one of the larges social networking services, the ...
Why Using Social Media In Your Marketing Is Crucial [Infographic]

Why Using Social Media In Your Marketing Is Crucial [Infographic]

What some companies are reluctant to realize is that it's absolutely crucial to use social media in your marketing if your product or service is align ...
A Hierarchy Of Social Communication: Know Your Tools [Infographic]

A Hierarchy Of Social Communication: Know Your Tools [Infographic]

In a social media climate where new services are continuously poking at our attention, we need to know more than ever what it is we're trying to achie ...
5 Reasons To Get On Google Plus

5 Reasons To Get On Google Plus

The latest buzz lately is all around Google Plus. I was very fortunate to be one of the first ones to get a beta invite, and it was quite easy to setu ...
Watch The Very First Barbie TV Commercial Ever

Watch The Very First Barbie TV Commercial Ever

There is a saying that there is a first time for everything. It's probably the best quote out there because there is no getting around it, and there a ...
The Evolution Of The Entrepreneur [Infographic]

The Evolution Of The Entrepreneur [Infographic]

Since I've been a full-time entrepreneur since 2000, I love writing about it. Currently I own an Apple certified consulting firm in Atlanta, and I'm a ...
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