Search query: cake

How To Keep Your Android Data And Device Secure

How To Keep Your Android Data And Device Secure

The day you started using an Android phone, you made yourself an attractive target for hackers and snoops. There is just so much precious information ...
9 Reasons Why Bigfoot Still Exists

9 Reasons Why Bigfoot Still Exists

Bigfoot has been a recognizable creature that has lived on through many generations, yet has remained elusive in its sightings. Even with its long his ...
Important Factors In Cognitive Development In Infants And Babies

Important Factors In Cognitive Development In Infants And Babies

The phrase "cognitive development" may seem a scary one when it comes to discussing your child’s progress and milestones. Anything involving a baby’s ...
Pampered Pets – How Much Do Brits Spend On Their Pets? [Infographic]

Pampered Pets – How Much Do Brits Spend On Their Pets? [Infographic]

People adore pets in the UK, and nothing brings more warmth to people's hearts than the love of a furry, feather or even scaly little pal. From being ...
The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Of DIY Websites

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Of DIY Websites

Whether you run a small business, have a semi-successful regional band, or just like to blog about how regularly you can force “Spinal Tap” references ...
Can Kazam Break Into A Multibillion Pound Market?

Can Kazam Break Into A Multibillion Pound Market?

Most people know that the electronics market is one of the most competitive and innovation-driven markets you can be in today, and the current smartph ...
3D Printed Extra Cheese Pizza: The Perfect Dinner For High Tech Geeks

3D Printed Extra Cheese Pizza: The Perfect Dinner For High Tech Geeks

Researchers have been talking about 3D printing food for a long time, but when NASA decided it was time to find new ways to provide food to astronauts ...
These First World Problems On Twitter Will Make You Giggle [12 Pics]

These First World Problems On Twitter Will Make You Giggle [12 Pics]

Sometimes the stuff we get upset over is silly. I'm the first to admit I get all puffed up over stupid things every so often. I don't know why we do t ...
Fooducate App Educates You About What Is Really In The Food You Buy

Fooducate App Educates You About What Is Really In The Food You Buy

Are you trying to change your diet and exercise habits in hopes of shedding a few pounds this summer? Perhaps you are looking for healthy substitutes ...
Fascinating Ways The Original Star Wars Model Makers Created Props

Fascinating Ways The Original Star Wars Model Makers Created Props

You already know we are huge Star Wars fans, but what I'm writing about today goes far beyond what we think we see on the big screen. The creativity a ...
Sugar Lab’s Sweet 3D Printed Sculptures Made Entirely From Sugar

Sugar Lab’s Sweet 3D Printed Sculptures Made Entirely From Sugar

I read an article last week that said the materials used in 3D printing aren't quite keeping up with the pace at which 3D printing technology itself i ...
How To: Eat An Apple Like A Boss [Video]

How To: Eat An Apple Like A Boss [Video]

Throughout the years, one bizarre thing I've learned is that I've been eating some foods the wrong way my entire life. I mean, eating some things a ce ...
3D Printed Music: 3D Printer Plays Music & Prints What It Looks Like

3D Printed Music: 3D Printer Plays Music & Prints What It Looks Like

There have been many printers over the years that have been hacked to play music. Lately, there have even been 3D printers that have joined the ranks ...
11 Wedding Favors That Will Add Some Geekiness To Your Special Day

11 Wedding Favors That Will Add Some Geekiness To Your Special Day

Are you a TGB? If you’re reading this article about geeky wedding favors, you probably are, even if you haven’t accepted it yet. TCB stands for “Token ...
Social Media Sites Explained With Adorable Kittens [Infographic]

Social Media Sites Explained With Adorable Kittens [Infographic]

I remember a year or two ago when somebody somewhere explained social media on a white board using donuts. It was probably in an office meeting, and I ...
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