Search query: car

How To: Block Phone Numbers, Texts & FaceTime Calls Using iOS 7

How To: Block Phone Numbers, Texts & FaceTime Calls Using iOS 7

With all the high tech features packed into our iPhones, it's always seemed a little strange to me that we can't easily block phone numbers, text mess ...
Ad Agency Determined Who To Hire By Monitoring Interns’ Brainwaves

Ad Agency Determined Who To Hire By Monitoring Interns’ Brainwaves

People are constantly saying that it's difficult to score a job in today's fierce and competitive job environment. I wish I could tell you that it wil ...
10 Odd Insured Celebrity Body Parts (Including Legs Worth A Billion)

10 Odd Insured Celebrity Body Parts (Including Legs Worth A Billion)

Celebrities live very different lives than the rest of us, and that goes far beyond the big houses and fancy clothes. It also includes taking insuranc ...
Is It Privacy Paranoia Or Does The Internet Know It All? [Infographic]

Is It Privacy Paranoia Or Does The Internet Know It All? [Infographic]

If you have been using social media for a while now, you know how important privacy can be. There have been plenty of examples where social networking ...
World’s First True Color 3D Printer Has A Trick Up Its Sleeve

World’s First True Color 3D Printer Has A Trick Up Its Sleeve

When the 3D printer first arrived on the scene, people were a little skeptical about its future. Could it really become a revolutionary device that on ...
Magazine Picture From 1930 Predicts Today’s Smartphone Lifestyle

Magazine Picture From 1930 Predicts Today’s Smartphone Lifestyle

When it comes to predicting the future, people typically come up with exaggerated ideas. At the same time though, there is often an element of truth i ...
Xbox Controller Motor & 3D Printed Case Make Smart Gear Shift Knob

Xbox Controller Motor & 3D Printed Case Make Smart Gear Shift Knob

I was lucky in that I learned how to drive a 'stick shift' when I was a teenager. I remember the learning curve. My car stalled out at the top of many ...
Creative Resume That Looks Like A Google Search Results Page

Creative Resume That Looks Like A Google Search Results Page

Finding your dream job can be tough, especially in a field that is trendy right now like technology or social media. Some people decide to make their ...
Virtual Mirror Webcam Modifies Your Smile To Affect Buying Decisions

Virtual Mirror Webcam Modifies Your Smile To Affect Buying Decisions

I don't like the mirrors inside the fitting rooms in retail stores. I like my body a lot, but no matter how much a person works out, those mirrors see ...
Future Hybrid Transportation System Is An Otherworldly Experience

Future Hybrid Transportation System Is An Otherworldly Experience

The world is getting more and more congested, and we have yet to find a way to stay infinitely ahead of our own growth. It's anything but easy, but in ...
Anti-Theft Defender Backpack: Fight Theft & Secure Your Stuff

Anti-Theft Defender Backpack: Fight Theft & Secure Your Stuff

Are you about to head back to school, and you're looking for a backpack to keep your school supplies and other belongings safe and secure? Perhaps you ...
Uniqul System Enables Store Purchases With Facial Recognition Only

Uniqul System Enables Store Purchases With Facial Recognition Only

I am blown away by the advancements in technology, and where they have taken us in the last couple years. Just a few years ago, we saw stuff like the ...
Where Do All Your Deleted Files Go? [Video]

Where Do All Your Deleted Files Go? [Video]

Ever since the first personal computer was introduced, there have always been two core features available. Those are "create" and "delete." If these t ...
What You Need To Know About Creating Good Social Content [Infographic]

What You Need To Know About Creating Good Social Content [Infographic]

It's been said many times - content is the currency of the social web. Once you've set up your brand's social media accounts, it's time to figure out ...
Better E-Waste Disposal: Gadgets Dissolve In Water When You Upgrade

Better E-Waste Disposal: Gadgets Dissolve In Water When You Upgrade

As our world becomes more technology infused, it means there is an increasing number of old gadgets that eventually end up in landfills when they can ...
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