Search query: car

Mind Twisting Futuristic Holographic Light Sculptures

Mind Twisting Futuristic Holographic Light Sculptures

As a technology freak, I often find myself thinking about tomorrow's technology and how life will be 10 years from now. Further down the road, I am su ...
Social Media Background Checks: Modern Day Job Screening [Chart]

Social Media Background Checks: Modern Day Job Screening [Chart]

I was listening to a radio show the other day while I was working, and as they were talking about the role of social media in the hiring process, the ...
The Anticipation Of The iPad 3 In The U.S. [Infographic]

The Anticipation Of The iPad 3 In The U.S. [Infographic]

It is that time again. The time when Apple is about to announce their new upgraded iPad. A lot of people I have talked to are super excited, and they ...
How Mobile Devices Are Destroying Your Body [Infographic]

How Mobile Devices Are Destroying Your Body [Infographic]

How come every time we make a leap in technology, we always seem to mess it up for ourselves? What I mean is, once we manage to solve something, somet ...
Dead Hearts: A Collection Of Heart Art In Public Spaces [12 Pics]

Dead Hearts: A Collection Of Heart Art In Public Spaces [12 Pics]

Art in public spaces is always a treat to look at. Back in the old days, when someone thought of street art, they automatically assumed it was graffit ...
7 Common Hand Gestures That Could Spell Disaster [Infographic]

7 Common Hand Gestures That Could Spell Disaster [Infographic]

There are a lot of different languages in the world, and they all have their very own way of expressing feelings. The very best one to express emotion ...
3 Devilishly Unholy Wine Bottle Designs

3 Devilishly Unholy Wine Bottle Designs

To this day, there is no question that the original Exorcist movie is the scariest movie I've ever seen. Of course Clockwork Orange, Hannibal Lecter, ...
18 Star Wars Products That Were Rejected

18 Star Wars Products That Were Rejected

Everything you see in commercials when it comes to Star Wars has gone through a wide range of consideration processes over at the George Lucas ranch. ...
Newspaper Blackout Poems: A Creative Way To Write Poetry

Newspaper Blackout Poems: A Creative Way To Write Poetry

Just yesterday when I stopped at the corner store to grab a soda, I saw the guy behind the counter reading a newspaper. I haven't seen anyone read a p ...
Geeks vs. Hipsters [Infographic]

Geeks vs. Hipsters [Infographic]

Here we go again! That is probably what you are thinking as the awkward silence takes over the room while you read this. And to reply to that statemen ...
Impossible Photography Or Just Extremely Creative?

Impossible Photography Or Just Extremely Creative?

Combining different realities in photography has always been a fascination of mine. The techniques to master the skill are hard to obtain and quite ti ...
Incredible Coffee Spill Portrait

Incredible Coffee Spill Portrait

I am not much of a coffee drinker, I have to admit. However, when I drink coffee, I mostly drink a latte. Some people don't even call it coffee since ...
The Real Twin Lens Lego Camera Build

The Real Twin Lens Lego Camera Build

When things start to get really advanced in technology, it can sometimes be hard to understand exactly what it is that our gadgets do. Well, of course ...
Design Inspiration: 12 Dreamy Luxurious Walk-In Closets

Design Inspiration: 12 Dreamy Luxurious Walk-In Closets

When you think of your dream home, what are some of the features you would want? That's probably too broad a question since I can think of at least th ...
Move Over George Jetson, The Future Is Now (Mobile Video Chat)

Move Over George Jetson, The Future Is Now (Mobile Video Chat)

I don't know about you, but there were two pieces of technology on the Jetsons that used to make me drool: flying cars and video calls - although now, ...
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