Search query: car

Star Wars Uncut: 2-Hour Fan Made Remake Of A New Hope

Star Wars Uncut: 2-Hour Fan Made Remake Of A New Hope

Let's be real for a moment. Star Wars and Star Trek have to be the two single movie and TV show franchises that have influenced the geek and nerd comm ...
Lazy Gadgets: The Hot Pocket Game Controller Dispenser

Lazy Gadgets: The Hot Pocket Game Controller Dispenser

It is quite clear that the world is getting ever more lazy. You can see it when you look at the devices we keep creating for ourselves. We want everyt ...
Icans: Character Icons Redesigned Be He Can (Eat It SOPA)

Icans: Character Icons Redesigned Be He Can (Eat It SOPA)

You can kinda tell when you look at these redesigned pop culture icons that artist Alex Pardee was inspired by his years of watching horror movies and ...
Twitmonster: iPhone App Tweets Using Siri

Twitmonster: iPhone App Tweets Using Siri

There are a boatload of applications out there that will enable you to tweet. Even though Twitter once wanted to regain control over their service by ...
Introducing The Pamphlet Paper Thin Disposable Smartphone Concept

Introducing The Pamphlet Paper Thin Disposable Smartphone Concept

Apparently there is a race going on to make the thinnest gadget of all time. In this particular case, I am talking about the smartphone of course. We ...
Advertised Fast Food Compared To The Real Deal

Advertised Fast Food Compared To The Real Deal

I have to admit that I am not too much of a fast food junkie. I'd rather cook my meal myself and enjoy the rich flavors of real unspoiled vegetables a ...
Starbucks Location Built From Recycled Shipping Containers

Starbucks Location Built From Recycled Shipping Containers

Not only is Starbucks my favorite place to get coffee (Caramel Macchiatos to be exact), but this is also my favorite architectural design I've seen th ...
Behind Photographs: The People Behind The Famous Photos

Behind Photographs: The People Behind The Famous Photos

We have featured quite a few photo series here on Bit Rebels, and seemingly you guys really enjoy that. We think that is great since we love photograp ...
Beavis & Butthead IRL: Realistic Sculptures (Complete With Zits)

Beavis & Butthead IRL: Realistic Sculptures (Complete With Zits)

This is definitely the WTF of the day. I never got into Beavis and Butthead. I just don't think I've ever drunk enough alcohol to fully appreciate the ...
6 Sneaker Designs For Serious Social Media Addicts

6 Sneaker Designs For Serious Social Media Addicts

If you are a social media addict, you are constantly connected to your personal networking stream. Whether it's Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google+, P ...
Play N64 Games On The Go With Electus

Play N64 Games On The Go With Electus

Who here remembers the Nintendo 64? Children of the 90s, let's hear you sound off! Developed at a time when video games were truly hitting their strid ...
Epic Transformers Lego Stop Motion Battle Video

Epic Transformers Lego Stop Motion Battle Video

I don't know if I have already mentioned this in one of my other articles here on Bit Rebels, but I recently saw Transformers: Dark of The Moon, and I ...
I’m A Lumberjack: A Pillow That’s Really Ok

I’m A Lumberjack: A Pillow That’s Really Ok

You know you’re ok. Your friends know you’re ok. But does the world know? Shout it to the world, baby. You’re a lumberjack and you’re ok, whether or n ...
Intense Super Mario Papercraft Stop Motion [Video]

Intense Super Mario Papercraft Stop Motion [Video]

As creative as the Super Mario franchise is, there is always room for improvement, right? We see a ton of these 2D and 3D platform games, and they are ...
Ultimate Mega Tattoos That Kidnap Your Attention

Ultimate Mega Tattoos That Kidnap Your Attention

We write a lot about design here at Bit Rebels, but I feel like sometimes we neglect one huge area of design, and that is of course tattoos. Tattoos a ...
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