Search query: career

Things To Know Before Your Job Interview [Infographic]

Things To Know Before Your Job Interview [Infographic]

Recently I wrote an article about how you can prepare and ace a job interview. As I wrote that, I realized there is so much more that goes into it all ...
How To Ace A Job Interview [Infographic]

How To Ace A Job Interview [Infographic]

With today's economic instability, people are fired left and right since companies can't afford to keep them employed. As if that wasn't enough, findi ...
The Life Of A Designer [Video]

The Life Of A Designer [Video]

If you have spent some time trying to make it as a freelance designer, you know how difficult it can be to achieve the goals that you set up for yours ...
Ultimate Guide To Prevent Computer Vision Syndrome  [Infographic]

Ultimate Guide To Prevent Computer Vision Syndrome [Infographic]

It has long been known that staring at your computer screen for a long periods of time isn't exactly the healthiest of endeavors to undertake. However ...
Occupational Alphabet: The ABCs Of Popular Professions In 1850

Occupational Alphabet: The ABCs Of Popular Professions In 1850

This alphabet takes the word retro to a whole new level. If you were alive in 1850, what kind of job do you think you would have? I think I would have ...
Social Media Background Checks: Modern Day Job Screening [Chart]

Social Media Background Checks: Modern Day Job Screening [Chart]

I was listening to a radio show the other day while I was working, and as they were talking about the role of social media in the hiring process, the ...
Geeks vs. Hipsters [Infographic]

Geeks vs. Hipsters [Infographic]

Here we go again! That is probably what you are thinking as the awkward silence takes over the room while you read this. And to reply to that statemen ...
Miss Piggy’s Sexy Photo Shoot: The Muppets Never Get Old

Miss Piggy’s Sexy Photo Shoot: The Muppets Never Get Old

Miss Piggy, who stars in the new movie The Muppets, is currently strutting her stuff on the PR trail. She is showing up everywhere, and she even score ...
How To: Get A Job At Google, Apple or Facebook [Infographic]

How To: Get A Job At Google, Apple or Facebook [Infographic]

I just learned today that one in four young professionals starting their career journey wants to work for Google. It's not surprising really. We all k ...
A Tribute To Steve Jobs [Chart & Infographic]

A Tribute To Steve Jobs [Chart & Infographic]

Just like with Michael Jackson's death and the Gulf Oil Spill, I found out about Steve Jobs announcing his resignation in my Twitter stream. I follow ...
The Guide To Employee Morale [Humor]

The Guide To Employee Morale [Humor]

I've been reading more and more reports lately that talk about how much Americans don't like their jobs. It's really disturbing, considering how much ...
College Students & Technology: A Sign Of The Times

College Students & Technology: A Sign Of The Times

Over the past few months, there has been some interesting information released regarding students and how they use social media and technology in gene ...
The Top Monstrous Slang Insults (Or Are They?)

The Top Monstrous Slang Insults (Or Are They?)

One of my favorite hobbies is watching my Twitter stream. I like to engage a lot on Twitter, but sometimes it's just fun to watch. I send on average a ...
Mind Blowing Ukulele Cover Of Billie Jean

Mind Blowing Ukulele Cover Of Billie Jean

One of the world's most hit song generating artists was Michael Jackson, and even though he died, there are still some expectations for the material M ...
Most Creative Way To Find A Job Using Twitter

Most Creative Way To Find A Job Using Twitter

We all know by now that social media can be a great networking tool used to make valuable contacts in any industry. Many people even use social media ...
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