Search query: content marketing

Cook Your Food & Charge Your Gadgets With The Same Device

Cook Your Food & Charge Your Gadgets With The Same Device

I love giving my hubby geeky gifts. Honestly, sometimes they don't even hit my radar because companies do a poor job of marketing to women. I started ...
3 Tips To Regain Focus: Stop Wasting All Your Time Online

3 Tips To Regain Focus: Stop Wasting All Your Time Online

If you're like me, time just slips away from you when you are online. You think you are just going to spend a few minutes replying to some people and ...
The Facebook Timeline Image Hack Template

The Facebook Timeline Image Hack Template

Yup, we are slowly getting accustomed to the new Facebook Timeline and the whole redesign. Personally, I quite like it. It gives us more freedom to pi ...
The Fotoshop Beauty Regimen: No Self-Respect Needed

The Fotoshop Beauty Regimen: No Self-Respect Needed

Everyone knows that Photoshop distorts reality, but to what extent? We are so used to seeing Photoshopped images everywhere we look these days that do ...
Top Tech Trends Of 2011: Last Year At A Glance [Infographic]

Top Tech Trends Of 2011: Last Year At A Glance [Infographic]

In 2011, we saw a lot of new trends emerge that implied social media was taking yet another step towards ruling not only the Internet, but also our li ...
Wipeout: Awesome Demo Of Real Life Quantum Levitation Racing

Wipeout: Awesome Demo Of Real Life Quantum Levitation Racing

Not too long ago, I wrote about a really cool quantum levitation showcase that bent the laws of physics with the help of some magnets and a bit of liq ...
iSteve: Lifelike Steve Jobs Collectible Now Available

iSteve: Lifelike Steve Jobs Collectible Now Available

The world is seemingly getting more weird every day that goes by. From the perspective of unusual art and creations, this is quite normal. However, wh ...
Geekify Your Wrists: Knitted Mario Mushroom Pulse Warmers

Geekify Your Wrists: Knitted Mario Mushroom Pulse Warmers

I'm a big fan of geeky gloves. Since it was 22F (-5.5C) degrees this morning in Atlanta, and I'm still freeeezing my tush off even though I have a lit ...
Badass Twitter Women Update: It’s Time To Get Inspired! #BA75

Badass Twitter Women Update: It’s Time To Get Inspired! #BA75

It's hard to believe that it is already January 2, and today as I looked over the 2,081 posts that I've written since Bit Rebels launched in 2009, I d ...
How Colors Affect Our Purchases [Infographic]

How Colors Affect Our Purchases [Infographic]

How do you shop? Old school or new age-style? I guess it depends on how busy you are right before you planned to go shopping. The fact is that more an ...
’80s Mofone Landline Phone Case For Your iPhone 4S

’80s Mofone Landline Phone Case For Your iPhone 4S

Can't get enough of that retro feeling in your life? Me neither, and I am constantly on the lookout for more stuff that might pull me back to the days ...
A Focus On StumbleUpon: The Rise Of A Social Media Giant

A Focus On StumbleUpon: The Rise Of A Social Media Giant

Since my technology company in Atlanta is part of the Apple Consultants Network, I am invited to attend the webinar trainings that Apple puts together ...
15 Creative & Crazy Cool QR Code Designs

15 Creative & Crazy Cool QR Code Designs

By now everyone knows that a QR code is a special barcode that is designed to be read by your smartphone. It's a very simple form of augmented reality ...
5 Effective Social Media Strategies [Infographic]

5 Effective Social Media Strategies [Infographic]

In order to be successful in social media, there are a slew of things that you can do and think about when you first start out. The list can be long, ...
Hotel Brochure Pictures vs. The Actual Hotels

Hotel Brochure Pictures vs. The Actual Hotels

It's been the joke on more sitcoms than I can count, but has it ever actually happened to you? I'm talking about when you see a hotel brochure, you ca ...
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