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The Pizza Slice Sleeping Bag: Better Than A Nightly Snack

The Pizza Slice Sleeping Bag: Better Than A Nightly Snack

Every now and then, we all take the unhealthy route and get a pizza. The thing is, it just doesn't matter if it contains a billion pounds of fat and i ...
Vintage Cameras Redesigned As Fabulous Night Lights

Vintage Cameras Redesigned As Fabulous Night Lights

What do you do with your gadgets when they become obsolete? A lot of people I know give their old stuff to their children when they decide to upgrade. ...
What People Are Really Doing Online [Infographic]

What People Are Really Doing Online [Infographic]

It's quite weird to think that just 20 years ago almost no one knew what the Internet was. It wasn't widely spread back then. Well, the geeks knew wha ...
Sole Creations: The Artwork On The Bottom Of Your Shoes

Sole Creations: The Artwork On The Bottom Of Your Shoes

Everyone seems to be a fanatic about sneakers and the way they look lately. Maybe "lately" is kind of a dodgy word to use here, but lets just say it m ...
9 Movie Titles Improved By Adding “In Bed”

9 Movie Titles Improved By Adding “In Bed”

I love it when people who know how to use Photoshop get silly. I've said before that I think it would be fun to have a Photoshop party where everyone ...
Thread & Nail Portraits: Life On A String

Thread & Nail Portraits: Life On A String

When someone masters the art they are continuously learning, I am always heavily impressed. It's like watching someone put their entire being into the ...
DIY Strawberry Nails: Make Your Day A Little Sweeter

DIY Strawberry Nails: Make Your Day A Little Sweeter

There you are, sitting in front of your computer on a lazy Sunday afternoon. You are in the mood to do something fun, but you really don't feel like l ...
µWave: The Microwave YouTube Hack

µWave: The Microwave YouTube Hack

Home entertainment has constantly changed through the years, and the only thing that determines its nature is really technology itself. In the '70s, t ...
Food Design: Thanksgiving Cupcakes Made From Turkey & Stuffing

Food Design: Thanksgiving Cupcakes Made From Turkey & Stuffing

If you live in the States like I do, you are probably getting ready for one of the biggest holidays of the year, Thanksgiving. The traditional Thanksg ...
Tech Propaganda Posters Designed In WWII Style

Tech Propaganda Posters Designed In WWII Style

Propaganda posters are so much fun, especially when they are designed like they are from the WWII era. That old-timey feel paired with what's current ...
Siri: Her First Argument Ever

Siri: Her First Argument Ever

Siri, Siri, Siri, she's all everyone ever talks about when they start a conversation about the iPhone 4S. At least to me it seems that way. Don't get ...
Air Clicker: The World’s First Finger Camera

Air Clicker: The World’s First Finger Camera

I don't know if you would agree with me if I said that the cameras of today are not flooded with new features. The only thing that really gets upgrade ...
The Secret Thoughts Of Cats & Dogs [4 Videos]

The Secret Thoughts Of Cats & Dogs [4 Videos]

When I was a kid, we had a crap load of animals in my house. We had cats, dogs, birds, turtles... well, you name it and we probably had it at some poi ...
Mind-Taunting Surreal Photography Inspiration

Mind-Taunting Surreal Photography Inspiration

I love photography! Even though I don't have the time to really immerse myself into it as much as I would like to, I really enjoy checking out hyper-i ...
Can’t Afford A Sound System? Build One From Beer Cans…

Can’t Afford A Sound System? Build One From Beer Cans…

Are you one of those people who likes to sit around on your couch all day and drink beer while pointlessly wasting your life away surfing the Internet ...
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