Search query: content

Importance Of Visual Content In Social Media Marketing [Infographic]

Importance Of Visual Content In Social Media Marketing [Infographic]

Do you read the content you share in social media? Do you just read the title and decide from that if you will share it with your friends, followers a ...
Blog Content: Bring Your Old & New Posts To Life [Infographic]

Blog Content: Bring Your Old & New Posts To Life [Infographic]

A while back, I saw a tweet in my Twitter stream that read something like, "All blog posts are inspired by another blog post." That has always stuck w ...
How To Measure Your Content Marketing ROI [Infographic]

How To Measure Your Content Marketing ROI [Infographic]

Each time a new form of online marketing becomes popular, the question of ROI comes up. As a marketer, you know how important it is to calculate your ...
What You Need To Know About Creating Good Social Content [Infographic]

What You Need To Know About Creating Good Social Content [Infographic]

It's been said many times - content is the currency of the social web. Once you've set up your brand's social media accounts, it's time to figure out ...
The 3 Ss Of Successful Content [Infographic]

The 3 Ss Of Successful Content [Infographic]

Through the years since I started Bit Rebels, creating content has gone through a number of changes. The best content has always been the most engagin ...
Derbywire: Social Mobile Marketplace That Pays You For Your Content

Derbywire: Social Mobile Marketplace That Pays You For Your Content

The phrase 'starving artist' may soon be gone forever. There is a new social mobile marketplace that allows users to upload their content, put a price ...
How To Grow Your Business Using Content Marketing [Infographic]

How To Grow Your Business Using Content Marketing [Infographic]

The Internet is a vital part of any company's growth today. It has been said many times before, but in 2013 it's imperative for a company to be presen ...
21 Types Of Content Your Readers Crave [Chart]

21 Types Of Content Your Readers Crave [Chart]

There are so many things to consider when you launch your personal blog or your brand's blog. Although setting up a blog is super easy, and you can do ...
10 SEO Copywriting Tips That Will Help Your Content Rank [Infographic]

10 SEO Copywriting Tips That Will Help Your Content Rank [Infographic]

Back when I first started learning about SEO, I thought SEO copywriting just meant stuffing keywords into text. That may or may not have worked years ...
Top 32 Power Words That Will Really Sell Your Content [Infographic]

Top 32 Power Words That Will Really Sell Your Content [Infographic]

When creating content it's important to know how to grab your viewer's, reader's or visitor's attention. If you know what will instantly make them not ...
Flowchart Guide: Where To Post Your Content [Flowchart]

Flowchart Guide: Where To Post Your Content [Flowchart]

It can be difficult to determine which social network to post things on in this overcrowded landscape we're currently experiencing online. Some people ...
Why Content Marketing Is At The Heart Of Online Success [Infographic]

Why Content Marketing Is At The Heart Of Online Success [Infographic]

Five years ago, if a company didn't have a website, they weren't taken seriously. Now it's almost unheard of for a company not to have a website. Two ...
Content Strategy: Hit The Sweet Spot With Your Readers [Infographic]

Content Strategy: Hit The Sweet Spot With Your Readers [Infographic]

There are many components that come together to formulate a successful blog, and sometimes thinking about them all can make your head spin. We've writ ...
10 Steps To Create Successful Content Marketing Campaign [Infographic]

10 Steps To Create Successful Content Marketing Campaign [Infographic]

One aspect of content marketing that makes it so appealing is that it forces marketers to place a lot of attention on the actual content. Many times w ...
Traditional Publicity vs. Content Marketing [Chart]

Traditional Publicity vs. Content Marketing [Chart]

Content marketing continues to be a hot topic as more and more brands find creative ways to distribute valuable content and establish themselves as le ...
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