Search query: diet

Food Experiment: He Ate Only Candy For A Whole Week

Food Experiment: He Ate Only Candy For A Whole Week

I'm not a big candy eater because I'm not a fan of rotting out my teeth; however, I know a lot of people who love that sweet stuff. Have you ever won ...
Master Your Messy Desk With The LCD Monitor Hub Station

Master Your Messy Desk With The LCD Monitor Hub Station

Right now, the top of my desk looks like a tornado recently ripped through my house. Of course I have the usual junk like used sticky notes with phon ...
Creative Angel Wing Cookies: Heavenly Treats!

Creative Angel Wing Cookies: Heavenly Treats!

Tis the season for baking cookies... oh wait, it's always the season for baking cookies! Right? You love cookies and boy do we ever have a lot of coo ...
Study Shows Women Prefer Men With A Tan

Study Shows Women Prefer Men With A Tan

Today National Geographic published the results of another ridiculous study based on a tiny pool of people that live in a small selected region, so ba ...
The Soda Pop Swimming Pool: Would You Swim In It?

The Soda Pop Swimming Pool: Would You Swim In It?

I love Diet Dr. Pepper. I drink three or four of them each day. I don't drink any other kind of soda pop. The question is, do I love it enough to s ...
Paintings of Junk Food: American Culture Illustrated

Paintings of Junk Food: American Culture Illustrated

I'm not sure if I'm writing about this because my friend @Minervity is eating a big 'ol chocolate bar right now, or if it's because I'm hungry, but th ...
Beware – This Is The Meanest Scale In The Whole World

Beware – This Is The Meanest Scale In The Whole World

I haven't had a scale in my house for a long time. I finally decided a while back that I wasn't going to be a slave to it anymore, and I threw it in ...
World’s Biggest KitKat Bar – Only 45,888 Calories!

World’s Biggest KitKat Bar – Only 45,888 Calories!

Being on a strict diet is sometimes the hardest thing you can do. Going grocery shopping is just hell on earth when you have to pass through those ai ...
6 Fast and Easy Ways to Look Younger!

6 Fast and Easy Ways to Look Younger!

Are you looking for the fountain of youth? I know a lot of people who are always so conscious about their appearance. The majority of them say they ...

How To Remain Alert With Very Little Caffeine!

I was in the elevator the other day with a co-worker (Carmela Quirino), and we were discussing that she has to limit her caffeine intake due to hyper- ...
Is This How We’ll Order Pizza In The Future?

Is This How We’ll Order Pizza In The Future?

I order pizza delivery often, at least once a week. I don’t eat pizza, but my son, @toad_mario, loves it. I always order his cheese, black olive and ...
Should You Write a New Year’s Resolution?

Should You Write a New Year’s Resolution?

With 2009 coming to a close and we welcome the new year soon.  One asks the question, should I write a New Year's resolution? For some people I know, ...
For the Love of Bacon | Wild & Wacky Bacon Photos

For the Love of Bacon | Wild & Wacky Bacon Photos

As I sat down to write this post, I thought two things: 1) I am having a love affair with bacon. 2) I write about food way too much on this blog. M ...
Grow Your Own Meat and Fish in a Cocoon

Grow Your Own Meat and Fish in a Cocoon

If you had the ability to grow your own meat and fish in a device that looks like something you'd buy off of a George Foreman infomercial, would you? ...
Funny Weight Reduction Mechanisms

Funny Weight Reduction Mechanisms

After Richard's post on Virtual Weight Loss ( and Diana's  10 Tips to look 10 Pounds Thinner Today ( I was i ...
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