Search query: drone

6 Top Digital Entertainment Trends For 2017

6 Top Digital Entertainment Trends For 2017

With the new year comes a chance to get ahead on the latest and upcoming entertainment trends for 2017. In this article, we take a look at just a few ...
Top 10 Most Important Tech Developments We May See In 2016

Top 10 Most Important Tech Developments We May See In 2016

Technology continues to improve at an incredible rate, and it seems that with each passing year we see innovations that were essentially sci-fi concep ...
Internet Psychology: 5 Emotions Invented By The Internet [Infographic]

Internet Psychology: 5 Emotions Invented By The Internet [Infographic]

There are so many aspects of Internet psychology and social media psychology that are incredibly fascinating to me. If I didn't already love what I do ...
Ultimate Guide For Scoring The Most Halloween Candy & Trading It

Ultimate Guide For Scoring The Most Halloween Candy & Trading It

Happy Halloween! I sent a tweet this morning that said I am so happy it's Halloween, not because I love Halloween, but because it marks the beginning ...
2014 World Cup Will Test Robocop Facial Recognition Technology

2014 World Cup Will Test Robocop Facial Recognition Technology

Coming To A Police Precinct Near You ... Brazilian police officers will use "Robocop-like" glasses at the 2014 World Cup in Brasil. The "Robocop-li ...
Twitterholic Ladies: Elegant Hand Painted Satin Twitter Pumps

Twitterholic Ladies: Elegant Hand Painted Satin Twitter Pumps

Now that we have all been thrust into social media, and we under its spell like a bunch of drones, getting married has gotten even more complicated. I ...
If Social Media Sites Were Real Addictions [Chart]

If Social Media Sites Were Real Addictions [Chart]

We often hear people joke around that they are addicted to their social media sites. To those of us who hear that everyday (because we ourselves are a ...
Combating Global Warming: Simple Action Steps

Combating Global Warming: Simple Action Steps

I read something the other day that said most people don't understand what global warming is. The phrase itself, "global warming," has been used so mu ...
How Lazy Are We At Work? [Infographic]

How Lazy Are We At Work? [Infographic]

One reason I'm an entrepreneur is because if I worked for someone else, I'd probably get fired my first week. After all, I like to get on Twitter and ...
Celebrity Goes LEGO: Life Size Conan O’Brien LEGO Build

Celebrity Goes LEGO: Life Size Conan O’Brien LEGO Build

You can build a lot of things using LEGO, and I think the Internet has shown us that pretty much anything is possible. When I first saw the impressiv ...
Do I Look Nerdy or Geeky Enough For Ya?

Do I Look Nerdy or Geeky Enough For Ya?

People dress differently whether they are going to work or out to play. For us in the office, we are fortunate enough to wear anything we like, as lo ...
Control a Video Game With Your iPhone?!

Control a Video Game With Your iPhone?!

I love Technology and the developers who strive to create exciting ways to make our experience fun and new all the time. Gone are the days when if you ...
We Are The Borg. You Will Be Assimilated.

We Are The Borg. You Will Be Assimilated.

I am a super huge Star Trek fan. I watch old episodes of Star Trek Voyager almost every night before I go to sleep. This article is a tribute to eve ...
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