Search query: email

Real Snail Mail: Get Your Mail Delivered By Real Snails

Real Snail Mail: Get Your Mail Delivered By Real Snails

When I first read about this, I was like, noooooo way! As it turns out, not only is it true, but it's been around for a few years. I've written about ...
Geek Heaven: The Map of the Internet

Geek Heaven: The Map of the Internet

I remember back in the days when I didn't have a computer at home with Internet access. My first ISP was Mindspring, and to this day, I still have my ...
10 Common Blogging Questions Answered For You

10 Common Blogging Questions Answered For You

I have my email address at the bottom of each article I write here on Bit Rebels, and I've always encouraged readers to drop me a line if they ever ha ...
How To: Get A Fake Social Media Girlfriend That Seems Real

How To: Get A Fake Social Media Girlfriend That Seems Real

Aww, I have no doubt that super-geeks and nerds everywhere will love this! My only question is, why is it that these types of sites are only created f ...

How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 3]

The last part of this micro series is dedicated to the monitoring of your recruiting campaign and what the applicants are saying about your company an ...
A Profound Lesson We Can Learn From Benjamin Franklin

A Profound Lesson We Can Learn From Benjamin Franklin

Yesterday I wrote an article about the stressful effects of multitasking and what it does to our brains. This morning, as I started the day doing a mi ...
Multitasking: This Is Your Brain On Social Media

Multitasking: This Is Your Brain On Social Media

Are you good at multitasking? I've been a scatter brain my whole life, so for me, sometimes it's hard to concentrate on one thing, much less a bunch, ...
Working From Home: Facts vs. Fiction [Infographic]

Working From Home: Facts vs. Fiction [Infographic]

I work from home, and I have for so long that I don't know what it would be like to drive to an office each day. Most of my friends; however, still do ...
7 Steps: The Evolution Of A Social Media Friendship

7 Steps: The Evolution Of A Social Media Friendship

I remember back in the day (2009), I wrote many articles about how to build real friendships in social media. Back then; people were skeptical that i ...
A Day In The Life Of A Social Media Manager [Infographic]

A Day In The Life Of A Social Media Manager [Infographic]

Being a social media manager sounds so glamorous, doesn't it? For anyone who is a twitterholic, it translates to, "I can finally get paid to tweet!" ...
Do Women Really Talk More Than Men?

Do Women Really Talk More Than Men?

I talk a lot. I admit it. Not only do I talk a lot, I write a lot, I tweet a lot and I chit-chat on the phone a lot. I just communicate a lot. I've al ...
Crush Notifier: Online Dating Steps It Up A Notch

Crush Notifier: Online Dating Steps It Up A Notch

With all the success of online dating, it's evident that there are more people out there who want to find someone from their keyboard instead of meeti ...
Write A Note Or Article Easily With QuietWrite

Write A Note Or Article Easily With QuietWrite

I like writing when I am at home and everything is quiet, and I can think.  I just grab something cold to drink, jump on my bed, open my computer, and ...

5 Online Tools & Gadgets For Those Far Away From Home!

It has been almost a month now that I have been away from home.  For me, home is Manila, Philippines, but right now my temporary home is in Cincinnati ...
The Social Media World Before Twitter And Facebook [Infographic]

The Social Media World Before Twitter And Facebook [Infographic]

A world without Twitter or Facebook seems distant and almost non existent. Yet still there was a time, long ago (hrmm..), when they didn't exist. As ...
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