Search query: email

Personalize Your Greeting (e)Cards via Video

Personalize Your Greeting (e)Cards via Video

I like receiving eCards most specially when they are personally made for me.  Shows you that the one sending it, made such an effort to make you smile ...
Create a Personalized Holiday Cheer!

Create a Personalized Holiday Cheer!

Tired of sending the usual e Cards?  Thanks to @vimags21 who shared to me a cool find.  The GAP Holiday Cheer Factory. GAP Inc. is one of the world ...

Twitter Dictionary | 35 Twitter Abbreviations

Do you know how to speak Twitter? It makes sense that with only 140 characters, there would be a need to create some shortcuts, but with all the new ...
Congratulations To These #RebelWave Contest Winners!

Congratulations To These #RebelWave Contest Winners!

When we decided to have a Bit Rebels contest to give away 10 Google Wave invites, we had no idea how much fun it was going to be. To enter the contes ...
How To: Make Free Calls Using Google Voice & Gizmo5

How To: Make Free Calls Using Google Voice & Gizmo5

For all of you that believe there is no such thing as a "free lunch," this post is for you. Along with many others, I have been watching closely as G ...
The Big Bird of Twitter

The Big Bird of Twitter

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?! Or in this case and story, which came first, the tester or the founder?! Did you ever wonder who the first ...
Twitter Tools for Sharing

Twitter Tools for Sharing

Here are some cool tools that you can use to share files, photos, documents using twitter third party applications. The First one is anythin ...
Grab Your Screen and Share Instantly

Grab Your Screen and Share Instantly

There are so many handy tools that can really make our experience a lot easier and faster.  With the fast paced and busy lives we lead, having such to ...
Win A Google Wave Invite From Bit Rebels!

Win A Google Wave Invite From Bit Rebels!

We appreciate our readers here at Bit Rebels and we read all of your comments and feedback. One thing you’ve left in your comments over and over is h ...
Google Wave | The Ultimate Guide

Google Wave | The Ultimate Guide

It's quite clear that everything that has to do with Google wave is in everyone's interest right now. It doesn't matter if Google Wave really just add ...
How To: Be Active On Twitter Without Getting Burned Out!

How To: Be Active On Twitter Without Getting Burned Out!

If you are like me, you love Twitter. Since I work from home most days, having my TweetDeck open all day is as natural to me as having my email open. ...
Listiti – Google alert Meets Twitter Lists

Listiti – Google alert Meets Twitter Lists

Here is cool tool Listiti - Its a tool that enables you to get alerts when someone from your Twitter list Tweets an update.   Monitor Twitter Lists fo ...
What do You do When You See the Fail Whale?

What do You do When You See the Fail Whale?

For those new on Twitter The Fail Whale is a signal that Twitter is down.  Just like in any other sites that suddenly gets a big number of users, main ...

Confessions of a Creative Mind

I had to laugh when I received a email this week titled "Confessions of a Creative Mind."  Filter, one of the national agencies located in Seattle, is ...

Social Bookmarking | What is it?

The web is a great resource of all types of information.  What if you find a cool reference?  Some people would bookmark it in their own computer, but ...
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