Search query: email

Browser App Allows Temporary Self-Destructing Emails To Be Sent

Browser App Allows Temporary Self-Destructing Emails To Be Sent

The Internet is becoming more and more transparent. Everyone wants to share more about themselves, but they don't want what they share to be online fo ...
How To: Keep Your Email Subscribers Once You Have Them [Infographic]

How To: Keep Your Email Subscribers Once You Have Them [Infographic]

We've said it many times before - even though you may be annoyed with all the email marketing messages you get in your inbox, it's still the most effe ...
JangoMail: The Email Marketing Service Designed By Geeks For Geeks

JangoMail: The Email Marketing Service Designed By Geeks For Geeks

Out of all forms of Internet marketing, the most effective is email marketing, and it's growing in popularity. Email marketing was the most effective ...
Phishing Emails: The Scary Odds Of Success [Infographic]

Phishing Emails: The Scary Odds Of Success [Infographic]

Each year, tens of thousands of people get their identity hijacked and abused because they fell victim to some online scam that cheats its way into th ...
Air-Writing Gesture Controlled Wristband: Write Emails & Texts In Air

Air-Writing Gesture Controlled Wristband: Write Emails & Texts In Air

When I first heard about Google Glass and some of the other wearable tech creations that have become popular lately, one of the first things I started ...
Why Email Still Reigns Online Interaction [Infographic]

Why Email Still Reigns Online Interaction [Infographic]

A common misconception is that email is on its way downhill. Maybe that's because of the avalanche of new social networking sites being announced all ...
What People Consider To Be Email Spam [Infographic]

What People Consider To Be Email Spam [Infographic]

It's an interesting paradox knowing that we continue to use email more and more, yet less and less email gets through to the recipient. Our spam filte ...
How To: Write An Email Subject Line That Gets Noticed [Infographic]

How To: Write An Email Subject Line That Gets Noticed [Infographic]

We've written about email marketing many times, and although when you think of email marketing you might think of spam, it's the most effective form o ...
Send Emails To “Future You” To Keep On Track With Your Goals

Send Emails To “Future You” To Keep On Track With Your Goals

If you want 2013 to be your best year yet, which I'm sure you do, you probably set some goals for yourself. In order to achieve those goals, you are m ...
Email Marketing Design Guide For 2013 [Infographic]

Email Marketing Design Guide For 2013 [Infographic]

There's no doubt you are planning your marketing strategies for 2013 if you own a brand, or if you are a marketer. We have concluded many times that e ...
The Future Of Email: Best Practices & Trends [Infographic]

The Future Of Email: Best Practices & Trends [Infographic]

Email has had its share of troubles throughout the years, just like any other communication approach run through the Internet. People always find a wa ...
Mind-Blowing Facts That Will Make You Use Email Again [Infographic]

Mind-Blowing Facts That Will Make You Use Email Again [Infographic]

I am the first one to admit that I don't use email as much as I used to do. We here at Bit Rebels have found alternate ways to get instant replies fro ...
Bug Fight Your HTML Email Code With These 16 Tips [Infographic]

Bug Fight Your HTML Email Code With These 16 Tips [Infographic]

There is a special feeling connected with receiving an HTML email. Your email software will most likely block any kind of graphics from it unless you ...
Email Apnea: Do You Hold Your Breath When On Email? [Infographic]

Email Apnea: Do You Hold Your Breath When On Email? [Infographic]

This is so fascinating to me. I remember a few months ago, I specifically noticed that many times when I'm on my computer concentrating, I stop breath ...
Checking Voicemail: The Newest Casualty Of Technology

Checking Voicemail: The Newest Casualty Of Technology

When was the last time you checked your voicemail? I check my work messages often since leaving and checking voicemail is still the norm in daily busi ...
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