Search query: game

Top 10 Fastest Supercomputers In The World [Infographic]

Top 10 Fastest Supercomputers In The World [Infographic]

I bet you have at some point thought your new computer must be a supercomputer, right? At least in comparison to what you had prior to it. With time, ...
Transforming LEGO Nintendo 64 & Controller Is A Retro Geek’s Dream

Transforming LEGO Nintendo 64 & Controller Is A Retro Geek’s Dream

LEGO and Nintendo complement each other well, and there have been many LEGO Nintendo mashups presented over the years. This one is one of the best one ...
Blast From The Past: Digital Car Dashboards From The ’80s [20 Pics]

Blast From The Past: Digital Car Dashboards From The ’80s [20 Pics]

We often write about the retro video games from the '80s, but there are other things the '80s were notorious for too. Aside from the big hair, parachu ...
How High Can You Throw Your iPhone? [Banned App]

How High Can You Throw Your iPhone? [Banned App]

Throughout the years, there have been quite a few apps that have been banned from the App Store. Usually it has to do with features not working or the ...
The Future Interface Of A Smarter Smartwatch [Video]

The Future Interface Of A Smarter Smartwatch [Video]

The rumors continue to swirl that Apple (and possibly other developers as well) is working on a smartwatch. On several occasions, we have visited this ...
How To Train Your Dog To Use An iPad [Video]

How To Train Your Dog To Use An iPad [Video]

There are some developers who specialize in creating iPad apps for pets. If you do a search, you'll see there are all kinds of games designed to enter ...
Retro Tech And What It’s Worth Today [Infographic]

Retro Tech And What It’s Worth Today [Infographic]

At some point, all the technology we buy is going to become retro. I remember when I bought my first Nintendo NES. It was a monumental day in my life, ...
Turn Your Bathtub Water Into An Immersive Interactive Touchscreen

Turn Your Bathtub Water Into An Immersive Interactive Touchscreen

Gone are the days when bathtub play was restricted to a rubber duck and some shaving cream. It seems even our bathtub water can't escape the effects o ...
Beer Beard: This Guy’s Beard Stores His 6-Pack Of Beer Perfectly

Beer Beard: This Guy’s Beard Stores His 6-Pack Of Beer Perfectly

Beards and beer seem to go together well, or maybe I just think that because of all the quirky beer beard designs over the years. I wonder if guys wit ...
Future Of Retirement: The Elder-Care Robot That Will Look After You

Future Of Retirement: The Elder-Care Robot That Will Look After You

How would you feel about a robot looking after you in your elderly years? With an estimated 1.5 billion people expected to be over 65 by 2050, we woul ...
World’s First Twitter Hotel Is A Paradise For Twitterholics

World’s First Twitter Hotel Is A Paradise For Twitterholics

If you use social media primarily for business, you probably look forward to unplugging when you are on vacation. On the other hand, if you are a Twit ...
How To Give Your Facebook Fan Page An Operation [Infographic]

How To Give Your Facebook Fan Page An Operation [Infographic]

One of my favorite childhood games was Operation. I still have an Operation game in my closet, and to this day, I jump when the patient's red nose sta ...
Anti-Theft Defender Backpack: Fight Theft & Secure Your Stuff

Anti-Theft Defender Backpack: Fight Theft & Secure Your Stuff

Are you about to head back to school, and you're looking for a backpack to keep your school supplies and other belongings safe and secure? Perhaps you ...
xRec iPhone App Records Your Screen Without Jailbreak

xRec iPhone App Records Your Screen Without Jailbreak

For a while now, there has been a "let's play" revolution going on over at YouTube. If you don't know what that is all about, I would be more than hap ...
TV System Provides A Realistic Breathtaking View Outside Your Window

TV System Provides A Realistic Breathtaking View Outside Your Window

If you look outside your window right now, what do you see? If you are like many people, it might be your front yard or the parking lot of your office ...
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