Search query: hair

Gravity: A Groundbreaking Sci-Fi Film Showcasing The Dangers Of Space

Gravity: A Groundbreaking Sci-Fi Film Showcasing The Dangers Of Space

Alfonso Cuaron’s new sci-fi film Gravity is not only a groundbreaking film that effectively showcases the dangers of outer space, it is also a piece o ...
The TV Chaise Will Have A Significant Impact On Your Geek Status

The TV Chaise Will Have A Significant Impact On Your Geek Status

As a geek, you can't allow yourself to relax like any old average Joe, right? That's correct. If we are going to live the geek lifestyle, we need to m ...
Ultimate Workstation For Designers (It Even Has Auto Coffee Dispenser)

Ultimate Workstation For Designers (It Even Has Auto Coffee Dispenser)

There have been a lot of innovative workstations presented over the years. We've written about many of them. Some are geared towards gamers, others ar ...
Take Ergonomic Action And Stay Healthy While Using A Computer

Take Ergonomic Action And Stay Healthy While Using A Computer

The personal computer has become one of the most widely used productivity tools on the planet since its inception a few decades ago. It has become so ...
Does Microsoft Need To Let Go Of Bill Gates To Survive?

Does Microsoft Need To Let Go Of Bill Gates To Survive?

Beginning in the 1980s, and cemented in the 1990s, Microsoft became the dominant tech player in the computer industry, largely thanks to its Windows a ...
‘Control Alt Delete’ And Other Tech Fails That Are Widely Accepted Now

‘Control Alt Delete’ And Other Tech Fails That Are Widely Accepted Now

Having used Windows computers for years, I never really questioned why you have to press the 'Control Alt Delete' buttons in order to bring up the log ...
Meet The Real Woman Behind The Beloved Voice Of Siri

Meet The Real Woman Behind The Beloved Voice Of Siri

We've written so much about Siri lately. With the new iOS 7 Siri features, she's more useful than ever before. One thing I've never thought about is.. ...
Fried Eggs Font: Handmade Font Inspired By Your Breakfast This Morning

Fried Eggs Font: Handmade Font Inspired By Your Breakfast This Morning

I remember back in the old days when fonts were boring and simple. They pretty much all looked the same, and there wasn't much inspiration or variety ...
Mind-Boggling Internet Growth From 1984 – 2013 [Infographic]

Mind-Boggling Internet Growth From 1984 – 2013 [Infographic]

For just a moment, think about what you were doing back in 1984. Were you in school, were you starting your first job, were you even born? I was just ...
Social Sites And Browsers Recreated As Mystifying Manga Characters

Social Sites And Browsers Recreated As Mystifying Manga Characters

Our online culture including our favorite social sites and browsers have been redesigned many times over the years. We've seen them recreated into jus ...
Paper Clock: Recyclable Alarm Clock With An Analog Twist

Paper Clock: Recyclable Alarm Clock With An Analog Twist

Sometimes the best innovations are the ones brought to life by the simple means in our lives. We have written about it quite often here on Bit Rebels. ...
Blast From The Past: Digital Car Dashboards From The ’80s [20 Pics]

Blast From The Past: Digital Car Dashboards From The ’80s [20 Pics]

We often write about the retro video games from the '80s, but there are other things the '80s were notorious for too. Aside from the big hair, parachu ...
Cardboard Furniture Is Your Refoldable Lifestyle Gone Recyclable

Cardboard Furniture Is Your Refoldable Lifestyle Gone Recyclable

Sometimes we all stumble over ideas that are just too good to let go. When you get one, you will do anything you can to get it off the ground. For a f ...
Beer Beard: This Guy’s Beard Stores His 6-Pack Of Beer Perfectly

Beer Beard: This Guy’s Beard Stores His 6-Pack Of Beer Perfectly

Beards and beer seem to go together well, or maybe I just think that because of all the quirky beer beard designs over the years. I wonder if guys wit ...
World’s Largest Drum Set Is Made Up Of 813 Pieces Of Awesomeness

World’s Largest Drum Set Is Made Up Of 813 Pieces Of Awesomeness

I haven't written about someone who’s broken a world record in a while. Those people are always inspiring to me because they believe they can create o ...
1 39 40 41 42 43 63 615 / 939 POSTS