Search query: home business

How FaceBook Games Compete for the User’s Attention

FaceBook is a fun site that allows its users to engage with their friends and family on so many different levels. Aside from the usual sharing of pic ...
Interview: Paymo – When Time Tracking Gets Serious

Interview: Paymo – When Time Tracking Gets Serious

As a freelance designer, I know the importance of accurately and continuously tracking time to know exactly how much I am going to charge the client w ...
Forked Up: The Most Creative iPhone Stand Yet

Forked Up: The Most Creative iPhone Stand Yet

When I got my iPhone, of course I needed a dock for it as well. It's like the store always finds ways to convince you that you need to buy a bunch of ...
Amazing Bottle Cap Designs | Don’t Throw Away, Recycle!

Amazing Bottle Cap Designs | Don’t Throw Away, Recycle!

When I was younger, we use to collect bottle caps and play games with them. We used them as Chinese checker pieces. That was the only way we could c ...
Twitter Is the Best Source of Online News!

Twitter Is the Best Source of Online News!

I get most of my news from my Twitter Stream!  Just last Saturday, I got home at around 10:30 pm I opened my Twitter stream and found some messages fr ...
The Olympic Book of Five Rings (I)

The Olympic Book of Five Rings (I)

Most eyes were glued to television sets last Friday night. The world's eyes descended upon Vancouver for the 2010 Winter Olympics that evening. The wa ...
Interview | – Creativity Just Started

Interview | – Creativity Just Started

I have always found it hard to write introductions to interviews where the main theme is to highlight the core of the business as being good or bad. B ...

150+ Ultimate Round-Up of Helpful Twitter Articles

I’ve tried to create something here that I have not seen before. Below is a list of 150+ very helpful Twitter articles. I get tweets every week from ...
Interview | InMotion Hosting – Behind the Bandwidth

Interview | InMotion Hosting – Behind the Bandwidth

Everyone with a serious intention of running a website has come across a hosting company once or twice in search for best bandwidth, price and custome ...
For Your Inspiration | Creative T-Shirt Designs

For Your Inspiration | Creative T-Shirt Designs

Since I wear business suits so much during the week, I really enjoy coming home and putting on some sweatpants and a fun t-shirt at the end of the wor ...
Interview | PageLime – The Bad Boys of Content Management

Interview | PageLime – The Bad Boys of Content Management

Every so often there comes a time when you, as a designer, really need a solid system to help you keep track of everything creative in a large scale p ...
7 Weirdest and Wackiest Products | CES 2010

7 Weirdest and Wackiest Products | CES 2010

CES 2010 happened last January 7 - 10. It is owned and produced by CEA.  CEA  is the preeminent trade association promoting growth in the consumer te ...
Pixelcrayons | Setting the Standard for Excellence

Pixelcrayons | Setting the Standard for Excellence

I’m a very visual person and I get a lot of inspiration from looking at beautifully designed websites. Since I am not a designer, I often take for gra ...
Epic $60,000 Giveaway | Our Gift to You!

Epic $60,000 Giveaway | Our Gift to You!

It's a new year and this very site that you are browsing right now turns 7 months old today. Excited as we all are here at Bit Rebels, we decided to g ...
Get Inspired! | Interview with Designer John O’Nolan

Get Inspired! | Interview with Designer John O’Nolan

One of the best parts of being a writer at Bit Rebels and the assistant to Richard Darell is that I get to be in the company of some very talented peo ...
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